
  • 网络pan;personal area network;Personal Area Network, PAN
  1. 该网络是面向无线个人局域网(PAN)的。

    The network is oriented to personal area network ( PAN ) .

  2. 针对无线家庭网络中的核心设备&网关,设计了以ARMCore32位高性能处理器及嵌入式操作系统μCOS为核心,以Bluetooth技术构建家庭内部网络,即个人局域网PAN(PersonalAreaNetwork);

    To main device of wireless home networks Gateway , and ARM Core 32 bits high performance microprocessor embedded operation system μ COS ⅱ based system is designed . Building home inner network that is personal area network ( PAN ) using Bluetooth technology ;

  3. 基于蓝牙的个人局域网(PAN)的设计

    Design of PAN based on bluetooth

  4. 随着无线局域网(WLAN)的日益普及和无线个人局域网(WPAN)的飞速发展,由于共享同一频段而产生的系统间干扰不可避免。

    With the wide-spread popularity of WLANs and WPANs , interference problem becomes unavoidable due to different wireless systems sharing the same bandwidth of frequency .

  5. 在对现今的各种无线技术、尤其是个人局域网范围内的无线接入技术概况介绍之后,本文提出了将蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术应用于诸如医疗监护、工业等无线监测监控领域将大有可为。

    This thesis claimed it has great future that Bluetooth 's application in wireless monitoring and control field such as medical and industrial after introduced main kinds of wireless technologies , specially Wireless Access Technology in Personal Area Network .

  6. WirelessUSB技术是超宽带与通用串行总线技术相结合的一种高速无线个人局域网通信技术,它占用极宽的频带;所以在与其他通信系统共存时,因频谱重叠可能产生冲突。

    Wireless USB technology , a kind of high speed Wireless Personal Area Network Communication Technology , combines UWB technology with USB technology . It occupies a very wide frequency band . When it coexists with other communication systems , spectrum overlap is unavoidable and an conflict may occur .

  7. 它能够以低功耗、低复杂度和低成本实现高速数据传输,因此在高速无线个人局域网(WPAN)中有着良好的应用前景。

    IR-UWB can implement high data rate transmission at low power consumption , low complexity and low cost , which makes it a promising technology for wireless personal area networks ( WPAN ) .

  8. “PAN娱乐”的定义很难界定,PAN是由“个人局域网”的首字母缩写而成,通常指那些通过游戏、动画、文学、电影和电视等方式,整合体育、旅游、教育和医疗等多元内容的在线娱乐。

    Its definition defies easy explanation . It comes from an acronym for " personal area network " and refers generally to diverse online entertainment through development of integrated content that may combine sports , travel , education and healthcare with media formats like games , animation , literature , film and television .

  9. 个人局域网的一种实现技术&蓝牙技术

    A New Technique for the Implementation of Personal Area Network & Bluetooth

  10. 移动个人局域网中路由选择的研究

    Research on router selection in Mobile Personal Area Networks

  11. 蓝牙无线个人局域网的拓扑优化

    Topological Optimization of the Bluetooth Wireless Personal Area Networks

  12. 包括蓝牙设备驱动程序、蓝牙协议栈、无线个人局域网应用框架等的设计与实现。

    It discusses the design of Bluetooth driver , the implementation of Bluetooth components in the EOS , the interfaces and the structure of components supporting the wireless personal area network applications .

  13. 本文描述了利用蓝牙技术制造的点对点连接、点对多点连接的市场应用产品以及个人局域网等网络产品。

    This article describes the point - to - point and point - to - multipoint market application products manufactured with the Bluetooth technology as well as personal LAN and other network products .

  14. 蓝牙是一种国际通用的短距离无线通信技术,其目的在于为固定设备或移动设备之间的通信环境建立通用的无线空中接口,主要应用于无线个人局域网。

    Bluetooth is an international wireless communication technology within a limited range , it is intended to establish a general radio air interface between immobility and mobile communication products , and mainly used in wireless personal area network .

  15. 简单介绍了最近发展起来的个人局域网,详细论述了蓝牙技术的特点、功能单元及其协议体系,最后对其发展前景进行了展望。

    This paper begins with the simple introduction of Personal Area Network , followed by the detailed discussion of the characters 、 function units and protocol architecture of the bluetooth technique , and ended by forecasting its development in the future .

  16. 由于移动自组网具有许多优良特性,不仅在战术互联网、战场信息系统等军事通信环境,而且在抢险救灾和个人局域网等通信环境也具有光明的应用前景。

    On account of many excellent characteristics , MANET , not only for military communication such as Tactical Internet , War-field Information System , but also for other communication environment such as Disaster Backing , Personal / Home LAN , has the bright future .

  17. 蓝牙网络封装主要应用在蓝牙个人无线局域网(PAN)中,PAN应用是指由两个或者更多的设备形成一个特定网络,而且这些设备能通过一个网络接入点来访问远程网络。

    BNEP is applied to Bluetooth Personal Area Networking ( PAN ), which is an adhoc network grouped by two or more devices and these devices can access a remote network through a network access point .

  18. 目前WLAN的应用模式可以分为面向企业或个人的无线局域网,以及针对广域的面向公众的新型无线高速互联接入的公共无线局域网(PWLAN)。

    Nowadays , one application model of WLAN is that built personally of by companies themselves , the other is that built by mobile operators to provide continuous access to public wireless LAN ( PWLAN ) hot-spot connections .