
  • 网络Home Router
  1. 不要试图通过一个非常便宜的家用路由器来运行一个很大的无线网络。

    Don 't try to run a big wireless network through a cheap home router .

  2. 不过,华为并不打算放弃其销售手机、pc卡及家用路由器的相对较新的移动设备部门。

    However , Huawei does not intend to abandon its relatively new mobile devices division , which sells handsets , PC cards and home routers .

  3. 这个互联设备网络的中心,是我的家用WiFi路由器,它通过一个有线调制解调器连接到Internet。

    At the center of this web of connected devices sits my home WiFi router , connected to the Internet through a cable modem .

  4. 早在几年前,思科就开始销售机顶盒、Linksys系列家用WiFi路由器和Flip摄像机。

    Several years ago , began selling set-top boxes , Linksys home WiFi routers and theflip video camera .

  5. 其他攻击者可能会利用该漏洞控制世界各地的服务器和家用互联网路由器,从而建立一个庞大的“僵尸网络”(botnet)。这种网络会让他们获得足够的计算能力,可以用“分布式拒绝服务攻击”(DDoS)摧毁任何网站。

    Other attackers could use the vulnerability to take hold of servers and home internet routers from across the world to create a giant network - known as a botnet - which would give them enough computing power to take down any website in a distributed denial of service attack .