
ɡè chànɡ
  • solo concert
  1. 衬衫的白色尖领使他看上去像个唱诗班的男童。

    The white tips of his shirt collar made him look like a choirboy

  2. 一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸。

    One coaxes , the other coerces .

  3. 3年前我组织了一个唱诗班

    Three years ago , I formed a caroling group .

  4. 这幅图描绘一个唱摇篮曲给孩子听的父亲。

    The picture portrays a father singing a lullaby to his baby .

  5. 而当凯蒂警告彼得的时候,安德烈正在伦敦进行个唱。

    But as Katie issued her warning to Peter , he was performing in London .

  6. 吉姆•查诺斯并不是唯一一个唱衰中国的人。

    Jim Chanos is not alone .

  7. 悲剧发生在一个唱了客串市长的硫磺液的导师身上。

    A tragedy has occurred to a tutor who has drunk an amateur mayor 's sulphur liquor .

  8. 比如说,环游世界开个唱啦,我从来没有想到过我会有可能做这些事情。。

    You know travel the world , I never really thought that , you know , that this was possible .

  9. 贾斯汀·汀布莱克四年后首开个唱,演唱会日期定于美国橄榄球超级杯大赛前一晚。

    Justin Timberlake will appear at his first concert in more than four years , the night before the Super Bowl .

  10. 怎么难道你想找个唱流行的少年偶像从小就当童星培养的那种

    What , you want some ... some little teenage pop star whose mom 's been raising her since two years old for stardom ?

  11. 我遇到一个唱布鲁斯的女孩,我想从她那得到些快乐的消息,她只是笑笑就转身离开。

    I met a girl who sang the blues And I asked her for some happy news , But she just smiled and turned away .

  12. 而令我们关心的是,究竟哪种人会成为这上海仅有的一场个唱,而且是内地首次个唱的座上客呢?

    Now all I care is who would attend this concert in Shanghai , as this is the first concert of Ah Mui in northern part of China .

  13. “教堂婚礼”的仪式包括赞美歌、一本有纪念意义的“仪典安排”手册、一位风琴手、一个唱诗班、翻领上的配花,以及个人选择的圣经章节。

    A church wedding service will include hymns , a commemorative Order of Service leaflets , an organist , a choir , lapel flowers and personally chosen Bible readings .

  14. 同时有一个唱诗班男孩回忆道,有8000人同时在威斯敏斯特大教堂,都以为女王要进来了,结果来了四个清洁工。

    Meanwhile , a choirboy also recalled the moment 8000 people inside Westminster Abbey stood up thinking the Queen was going to walk in - only for four cleaners to appear .

  15. 八重唱八个唱手一组的演唱或八个乐器一组的演奏组合所有的八个组合(巴西的一对是个例外)选用动作的难度系数都相当大。

    A group of eight singers or eight instrumentalists . All first 8 teams ( with a single exception of Brasil duo ) performed the combinations of very high Degree of Difficulty .

  16. 他是当时400个唱诗班男孩中的一员,在加冕礼上表演,他说:“当时我们拍成两排,你可以想像当时有多挤如果你记得的话。”

    The singer , who was one of the 400 choirboys who performed during the Coronation , said : ' We were lined up in the front two rows and it was extremely cramped if you remember .

  17. 英国温莎——周六,一位黑人牧师的敦促和一个福音唱诗班的歌声在英国一座千年古堡里回荡,哈里王子与美国女演员梅根·马克尔(MeghanMarkle)完婚,将英国王室带入一个新时代。

    WINDSOR , England - A thousand-year-old English castle echoed with the exhortations of a black preacher and a gospel choir on Saturday , as Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle , an American actress , nudging the British royal family into a new era .

  18. 合唱团把这两个字唱得十分有力。

    The choir sang out the two words with great vigour .

  19. 因为我一直都认命自己是个配唱。

    Because I have seen myself ASA background soinger for solong .

  20. 于是高个约翰唱起了我熟悉的老调:

    Long John began to sing that song I knew so well :

  21. 如果你喜欢唱歌,就找个时间唱唱歌。

    If you like to sing , find a time for you to sing .

  22. 一天晚上,在一个黄昏唱着。

    One night a nightfall sang .

  23. 她参加了一个既唱又跳还要会演的角色的大规模试镜。这次似乎与此前许多次试镜并无差别。

    She went to a large scale screen test which required singing , dancing and playing skills .

  24. 反正,你得找个时间唱给我听听,既然你提到了。

    Anyway , you 'll have to sing it to me sometime , now that you 've mentioned it .

  25. 平克·弗洛伊德不是唯一一个能唱出月之暗面的,现在中国也可以。

    Pink Floyd isn 't the only one singing about the dark side of the moon now-China is too .

  26. 我想被看成是一个可以唱任何东西的人,从摇滚到歌剧。

    I want to be known as a singer who could sing anything from rock to the most famous operas .

  27. 玛琳,街灯下独自起舞的人,在某个地方唱着同一首歌,我知道。

    Marin , under the streetlight , dancing by herself , is singing the same song somewhere . I know .

  28. 对。这是电影《泰坦尼克》的主题曲。有三个选手唱这首歌。

    J : Oh , yes . It 's the theme tune in the movie Titanic . Three singers chose the song .

  29. 亚香缇在6岁时就开始在一个福音唱诗班演唱,随着年龄的增长,她的音乐才能得以发展,而她上台演出的机会也随之而来。

    Ashanti began to sing in a gospel choir at the age of6.As she grew , her musical talent developed and with it , appearances followed .

  30. 在我旁边的一张桌子旁坐下了。生日蛋糕拿出来了,大家开始为一个家人唱“生日快乐”。这时,我禁不住一起哼了起来。

    When a birthday cake came out and " Happy Birthday " was sung for one of the family members , I couldn 't help but chime in .