
  • 网络Core traits;Central trait;Core personality
  1. 新资源的核心特质是包容性,因此,Zana内容就成了焦点。

    With inclusivity as the backbone of the new resource , it 's the Zana content that takes center stage .

  2. 大学生创新人格核心特质研究

    The research on innovative personality of university students

  3. 5具备很强的创新意识与较强的创新能力,这是江苏省体育特级教师走向成功的核心特质。

    The ability of innovation is the center characteristic of special-grade sports teachers on their way to success .

  4. 艺术和设计的真正区别到底是什么呢?接下来让我们审视和比较这两种技艺的一些核心特质。

    So what exactly is the difference between art and design ? In this post , we 'll examine and compare some of the core principles of each craft .

  5. 调查结果表明,目前我国大学生的创新人格核心特质状况普遍不佳,应针对不同大学生群体中存在的突出问题加强培养。

    The core peculiarities of innovative personality of university students in China , as our survey shows , are not satisfactory and should be educated according to the main problems among the groups .

  6. 这表明,原有的散文理论已不足以面对当前散文的创作现状,散文要以独立文体的地位继续发展,亟需确立散文文体的基本定位,即确定其文体核心特质。

    It shows that the old theories of the prose have been unfit with the new changes . The basic position of the current prose should be built for its development in the future .

  7. 我敏锐地感觉到,在我追求完美事业的过程中,我往往没有认识到,不完美的地方也是我们自身的核心特质,需要保留下来,而不是经常改变。

    I am acutely aware now that in my pursuit of perfection at work , I have often failed to recognize that imperfections are also a core part of our identity that needs to be preserved and not always changed .

  8. 其次,在梳理美国大学生事务管理工作历史和现状、分析经典文献的基础上,提炼出了美国学生事务管理学生观的核心特质,即自由、自治和平等;

    Secondly , on the basis of analyzing historical development and present situation and typical classics of American college students affairs administration , it defines core features of the view to students of student affairs administration such as freedom , autonomy and equality ;

  9. 贫困生UPI人格特征预测与核心人格特质探索

    A Study on the Needy Undergraduates ' UPI Personality Features and Central Personality Traits

  10. 对于广告专业的学生来说,应该是集创想一研究一实战三位一体的创造性、研究型的实力选手,广告教育应该围绕着创意思维策略制定问题解决这三种核心专业特质来展开。

    Author claims that Ad education should be developed by focusing on three kind of core professional characteristics which includes creative thinking , strategy making and problem solving .

  11. 情绪是个性特征的关键成分之一,是人格的核心内容,人格特质也影响着个体对情绪事件的感受性和行为表现。

    Emotion is a key component of personality , the core of personality .

  12. 大学校训,是学校文化传统和办学理念的沉淀,了解一所大学的校训,可以直接触摸到该校最核心的灵魂和特质。

    School motto is the precipitation of cultural tradition and school-running conception about a university , the school motto , can directly indicate the core of the soul and property of a university .

  13. 因此我们需要深刻反思现代大学的核心理念和精神特质,努力摈弃浮躁之气而回归大学出版的学术文化传统,从而形成大学出版的良性发展机制,实现大学出版的本质目的和文化理想。

    So we need to think deeply about the core idea and spirit of college , cast away impetuous , return to the tradition of academic culture in order to form the virtuous developmental system and realize the cultural idea of college publishing .

  14. 研究人员大卫·海因兹说:“我们喜欢把我们的偏好和行为当作‘我们是谁’这个问题的核心。研究生理特质如何影响人早起或晚睡等行为偏好其实挺有趣的。”

    Researcher David Hinds said : ' We like to think of our preferences and behaviour as core to who we are and it 's interesting to see how our biology influences these things , like whether you are a morning person or a night owl .

  15. 核心自我评价及四种核心特质与工作态度和工作行为存在较强的相关,且能够有效预测这些变量。

    Core self-evaluations and four core traits correlate significantly with job satisfaction and job behavior variables .

  16. 核心自我评价包括四种核心特质:自尊、控制点、神经质和一般自我效能。

    It includes four core traits : self-esteem , locus of control , neuroticism , and generalized self-efficacy .

  17. 核心化度突出了核心员工的绩效特质性,有利于揭示模型变量间的经验联系;

    The key degree highlights the idiosyncrasy of the key employees ' performance , which can helpfully disclose the relationship among the factors in the model ;

  18. 文章对西方经典核心自我评价研究的主要贡献和对我们目前研究的借鉴意义作了分析,提出中国人的核心自我评价的理论构想包括4种核心特质,即善良、才干、处世态度和集体自尊。

    The present article analyzed the main contributions of the Western classic core self-evaluation and its implication to our current study , and proposed the theoretical construct of Chinese core self-evaluation . The proposed construct consisted four traits : Kindness , Talents , Ways of Life , and Collective Self-esteem .