
  • 网络walnut milk
  1. 溶菌酶提取工艺及其在山核桃乳中的应用研究

    Extraction of Lysozyme and Its Application in Chinese Walnut Milk

  2. 研究了发酵型核桃乳饮料的生产工艺。

    The technology of walnut milk beverage ( lactic fermented ) was studied .

  3. 本文以核桃乳为研究对象,探讨了初始菌量、杀菌条件、纤维物质、稳定剂和料液pH值等因素对核桃乳饮料稳定性的影响,并提出了适宜的工艺条件。

    N this paper , the effect of the initial number of bacteria , the sterilizing conditions , cellulose , stabilizers and the pH value of beverages on stability of walnut milk beverage is discussed . The proper process conditions are proposed .

  4. 论述了影响花生核桃乳稳定性因素,确定了在花生核桃乳生产中乳化稳定剂的最佳使用量,及最适乳化HLB值,并对提高花生核桃乳稳定性相关预处理及加工工艺条件亦进行了研究。

    The aim of this study was to determine the factors on effect of stability in pretreatment and process of peanut and walnut milk , and make up the best combination of emulsifier and stabilizer as well as the best suitable HLB .

  5. 纯净水制天然核桃乳工艺的研究

    Study on the Technology of Walnut Beverage Made with Purified Water

  6. 本文对影响核桃乳饮料生产的几个主要问题进行了研究。

    The paper studied several important problems influencing walnut dairy beverage .

  7. 核桃乳冰淇淋配方及生产工艺的研究

    Formula and Producing Technique of Walnut - milk Ice Cream

  8. 红茶核桃乳的研制

    Studies on the black tea - walnut milk The Manufacture of Walnut Milk

  9. 鲜核桃乳实验研究的初步报告

    Preliminary Pharmacodynamic Studies of the Fresh Walnut Milk

  10. 全脂核桃乳及稳定性的研究

    Study on whole walnut milk and its stability

  11. 发酵型核桃乳饮料的研制

    Preparation of lactic fermentation walnut milk beverage

  12. 通过对关键控制点的监控确保核桃乳的质量。

    The quality of walnut milk can be ensured through monitoring the critical controlling points .

  13. 核桃乳稳定性的研究

    Studies on stability of walnut - milk

  14. 考查影响核桃乳蛋白质得率的因素,并对提高蛋白质得率加工工艺条件进行研究。

    The factors for improving the extractive yield of protein in walnut milk were studied .

  15. 利用通常的操作方法,加入10%核桃乳固形物,生产核桃冰淇淋。

    Ice cream containing walnut was produced using conventional procedure modified by addition of 10 % walnut milk solids .

  16. 考查了影响核桃乳稳定性的因素,并对提高核桃乳稳定性相关预处理及加工工艺条件进行了研究。

    The aim of this study was to determine the factors on effect of stability in pretreatment and process of walnut-milk .

  17. 对核桃乳原浆和发酵型核桃乳饮料的理化性质进行了测定,并对发酵型核桃乳饮料生产工艺中的关键步骤(前配料、发酵剂、均质压力)进行了研究。

    First , physical and chemical features of walnut milk and lactic fermentation walnut milk beverage was determined . Second , the key section ( ingredients , culture , homogenization ) were studied .

  18. 结果表明,配方为核桃乳与牛乳配比1∶4、接种量为4%、5%牛磺酸溶液添加量为0.15%的酸奶品质和风味俱佳。

    The results showed that the best prescription of the functional walnut yogurt is walnut and milk in ration of 1 ∶ 4 , 4 % inoculation and 5 % taurine solution 0.15 % content .

  19. 其最佳配料为:核桃乳固形物10%,蔗糖6%,淀粉糖浆6%,人造奶油8%,明胶0.4%,海藻酸钠0.15%,单甘酯0.1%;

    Its formula was optimized as 10 % walnut milk solids , 6 % sucrose , 6 % corn syrup , 8 % margarine , 0.4 % gelatin , 0.15 % sodium alginate , 0.1 % glycerol monostearate and water to 100 % .

  20. 对核桃乳冰淇淋的配方及生产工艺进行了试验研究,确定了核桃乳冰淇淋的最佳配方为核桃仁3.0%,牛奶40%,白砂糖14%,淀粉2%,其他辅料适量。

    The study on formula and producing technique of walnut-milk ice cream revealed the optimal processing formula parameters : 3.0 % of walnut kernel , 40 % of milk , 14 % of sugar , 2 % of starch and other supplementary raw materials of appropriate amount .

  21. HACCP系统在核桃苹果乳饮料生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP in processing of apple walnut milk beverage

  22. 介绍了HACCP系统在核桃苹果乳饮料生产中的具体应用,确立了关键控制点、临界参数和纠正措施,从而提高了产品的卫生质量,保证了产品安全。

    The application of the HACCP system in the processing of apple walnut milk beverage was introduced , and CCPs , critical parameters and correction measures were determined so as to improve the hygiene quality of the product and guarantee the product safety .

  23. 核桃草莓乳研究

    Study on the milk beverage of walnut and strawberry

  24. 通过三因素三水平的正交试验,确定红枣、核桃复合蛋白饮料最佳配方为:枣汁与核桃乳体积比为1∶1,蔗糖10%,复合乳化剂0.1%。

    Through the three levels of three factors orthogonal test , to determine the red dates , walnut compound protein beverage the optimum formula was : jujube juice and walnut milk volume ratio of1:1,10 % sucrose , 0.1 % compound emulsifier . 6 .

  25. 核桃综合深加工的基本思路是:将核桃壳加工成核桃壳超细粉,将核桃仁加工成核桃油、核桃粉和核桃乳等产品。

    The general idea of comprehensive and advanced process technology is that walnut shell can be processed as super fine powder and walnut kernel can be processed as walnut oil , walnut powder and walnut milk .