
chū bǎn yè
  • publishing business
  1. 对图书进行了5年的电子扫描后,谷歌(google)终于首次进入了印刷出版业。

    After five years of scanning books electronically , Google is finally entering the print publishing business for the first time .

  2. 去年,给图书出版业带来了天翻地覆的变化并因此累积了巨额身家的亚马逊(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(JeffBezos)决定收购美国历史最悠久的报纸之一——《华盛顿邮报》(TheWashingtonPost)。

    And last year , Jeff Bezos , who as chief executive of Amazon has made billions turning the book publishing business on its head , decided to buy one of the country 's oldest newspapers , The Washington Post .

  3. 我曾在出版业担任要职。

    I had a very high-powered job in publishing .

  4. 关于出版业她非常了解,很清楚他们能够向书店推销10万本书。

    She knew enough about publishing to know that they could push a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops .

  5. 如今数字出版业迅猛发展。

    The digital publishing industry is booming nowadays .

  6. 中国加入WTO后,我国的出版业面临着与发达国家出版单位的竞争。

    After entered the WTO , the publication of China faced the competition with the publishing companies in the developed countries .

  7. 其中包括中国出版业的市场现状、中国出版业具备的两个特征以及在研究WTO对中国出版业的影响的过程中需要考虑的因素。

    Ltd. , including status-quo and two characteristics of Chinese publishing companies as well as the factors which should be considered in the study of the impact of WTO on publishing companies in China .

  8. 基于同样的原因,出版业的巨人Hearst公司也正在寻求开发一种适用与自己产品的电子阅读器。

    Publishing giant Hearst has been looking to develop a reader of its own for similar reasons .

  9. 同时从信息不对称角度分析了传统出版业(纸介质)在internet时代的一些变化。

    Thirdly , Internet has caused some dramatic changes in traditional publishing characterized mainly by paper medium , and these changes are analyzed from the viewpoint of information asymmetry which can be roughly divided into two aspects - horizontal information asymmetry and vertical information asymmetry .

  10. 即使是被视为传统出版业金科玉律的《大英百科全书》(encyclopaediabritannica),对世界的看法也会有失偏颇。

    Even theencyclopaedia Britannica , the supposed gold standard in traditional publishing contains a partial view of the world .

  11. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  12. 欧洲电子出版业和大学图书馆考察随笔

    European electronic publishing industry and university libraries : a visiting essay

  13. 出版业与网络有着天然的联系。

    There is a natural relationship between network and publishing industry .

  14. 问题与对策:中国出版业国际版权贸易

    International Copyright Trade of China 's Press : Problems and Countermeasures

  15. 知识经济时代出版业人才资源建设

    The Talent Resources Instruction of Publishing Industry in Knowledge Economic Times

  16. 论五四新文学与出版业的互动效应

    On the Mutually-operative Effect Between May-Fourth New Literature and Publishing Industry

  17. 我国的出版业正面临着一个重要的历史阶段。

    China 's press industry is in an important historical period .

  18. 我国出版业的发展与改革研究

    The Research on Development and Reform of China 's Press Industry

  19. 我真应该去从事医学而不是这出版业。

    I really should have gone into medicine instead of publishing .

  20. 期刊的编务工作是出版业的基础性工作。

    The editing work of periodicals is essential for publication business .

  21. 教科书依然是加拿大出版业的主要部分。

    Textbooks remain the meat and potatoes of publishing in Canada .

  22. 读书和写作,需要出版业和大众传媒;

    Reading and writing need publishing industry and mass media ;

  23. 高校出版业发展的困境与出路探析

    Analysis on the Plight and Way Out of University Publishing Trade Development

  24. 中国出版业与世界出版业的双向互动

    The Interaction between Chinese Publishing Industry and International Publishing Industry

  25. 最后,提出我国图书出版业的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper gives some suggestions for national publishing industry .

  26. 她希望从事出版业。

    She 's hopes to pursue a career in publishing .

  27. 教材出版业的市场调查、评估和预测方法

    The market survey , evaluation and prediction of the teaching material publishing

  28. 中国出版业存在的问题及治理策略

    Problems Existing in the Press Industry and Tactics for Administration

  29. 版权贸易:出版业持续发展的新机遇

    Copyright Trading : The New Opportunity to Chinese Publishing Industries ' Development

  30. 网络时代出版业的人力资本建设

    Human Capital Building of Publishing Industry in the Internet Era