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  1. 针对卡恩戴着手铐被纽约警方押送出警察厅,有法国人表示:这情景太让人受不了。

    French citizens have questioned America 's handling of the incident saying it was outrageous for New York police to lead Strauss-Kahn out of a police department in handcuffs .

  2. 整体设计流程按照首先设计出省环境厅的信息安全体系架构,然后由省环境厅指导地市、区县的设计思路。

    The whole design process in accordance with the first design environmental hall information security architecture , and then by the province hall of municipal , district environment design .

  3. 通过查阅国内外文献,本研究从理论上划分出银行营业厅服务对顾客满意度影响的具体因素维度,即便利性、空间、设施、职员形象、服务产品设计、服务改进效率、排队共七项。

    Through domestic and foreign literature review and analyzing , we distinguish dimensions of specific factors which impact on customer satisfaction in theory , namely , convenience , space , facilities , staffs image , service product design , service improving efficiency , queuing , a total of seven .