
  • 网络Contribution Agreement
  1. 在确立实际出资人法律责任时,我们要尊重私法领域的意思自治,优先适用公司章程和隐名出资协议中关于实际出资人责任的规定。

    In deciding the actual investors ' legal liability , we have to respect the party autonomy in private law , and apply the articles of association of the company and the anonymous contribution agreement first .

  2. 分红记录、公司内部章程和出资协议对于股东身份的认定也具有一定的效力。

    Bonus record , company regulation and capital contributions agreement also have effectiveness on the cognizance of shareholders status .

  3. 个别冲突,可结合评估报告和出资协议的目的,推定权利的归属。

    Individual conflicts can be combined with assessment reports and the purpose of financing agreements , the right to presumption of ownership .

  4. 优化隐名出资协议与引入信托协议进入隐名出资领域是预防纠纷的两条重要手段。

    The enhancement of investment agreements and the introduction of Trust into the anonymous investment is two important means to prevent disputes in the field .

  5. 关于非货币财产出资的协议等相关文件。

    Related documents such as the agreement on non-monetary property contribution .

  6. 由于怀疑有贪腐现象,世界银行已经取消了为一座大桥出资的协议。

    The world bank has scrapped a deal to pay for a big bridge because of its suspicions of corruption .

  7. 如果一方不能如期出资,本协议将自动终止。(假设)

    If a party fails to make its contribution on schedule , this Agreement shall be automatically terminated .

  8. 第三十五条合伙的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自的财产承担清偿责任。

    Article 35 A partnership 's debts shall be secured with the partners ' property in proportion to their respective contributions to the investment or according to the agreement made .

  9. 以现物出资不仅要符合出资协议的约定,而且必须符合公司法的规定,否则,即构成瑕疵。

    Investment of property now not only accords with investment agreement , but also conform to regulation of the corporation law , or it is defect to invest .