
  • 网络personal communication;individual communication;private communication
  1. 我们只能把我们的思想通过个人传播开去,通过一代传一代传下去。

    We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual , generation after generation .

  2. 公众议题的兴起又是个人传播发展的结果。

    The emerging of public issues is the result of the development of the individual-oriented communication .

  3. 在以个人传播者为主的网络时代,“把关人”这个角色的把关功能正被日益削弱,而“把关人”理论也因为传播主体的位移而失去了立足的依据。

    In an era when individual transmitters dominate the cyber-media , the role of " pass-holder " has been gradually weakened and the concept is on the way to disappearing .

  4. 对这一新的传播现象需要科学、理性和冷静的分析:博客既是个人传播的工具也是社会舆论阵地;

    This brand of new communicational phenomenon need to be analyzed scientifically , rationally , and clearly : Blog is both a personal tool of communications and a battlefield of public opinions .

  5. 疾病可以由一个人传播给另一个人,从一种动物到另一种动物,从一种植物到另一种植物。(使某事物)传播,流传,蔓延

    " Diseases may spread from one person to another , from one animal to another , or from one plant to another . Some animal diseases also can be passed to humans . " ( cause sth to ) become ( more ) widely known , felt or suffered

  6. 这是一种个人的传播。

    This is the personal type of communication .

  7. 个人表达传播行为随媒介发展的同时,社会对个人言论的控制一直同个人表达行为相伴存在。

    While Personal Expression Communication develop quickly with media , social control on personal voice is always existing .

  8. 纸的产生推动了文字的普及、提高了文字传播的能力,实现了个人表达传播的第二次飞跃;

    The second leap was enabled by paper which popularized letters and enhanced the ability of literal communication ;

  9. 通过与受感染者发生性接触和共享被污染的个人物品传播则不那么常见。

    It is less commonly transmitted through sex with an infected person and sharing of personal items contaminated with infectious blood .

  10. 但是许多非法组织和个人通过传播计算机病毒来窃取信息并从中获取经济利益,给信息和网络安全带来极大隐患。

    But many illegal organizations or individuals steal information for benefits through viruses ' dissemination , which brings risks to network security .

  11. 要卖一个鼠标给阿Q,之间通过了三个人的传播,那么我把利润三等分,平均分给这三个人。

    Sell a mouse for Ah Q , between the spread through the three , then I profit trisection , average score for these three individuals .

  12. 其中全方位传播包括:企业内部传播、企业营销传播、第三方传播和消费者个人体验传播。

    The omni-directional brand dissemination contains the dissemination of the internal enterprises , of the enterprise marketing , of the third party as well as of the individual experience of consumers .

  13. 个人通信的传播特性研究大学生个人工作特性及个性特征相关研究

    The Relative Research between the Individual Working Characteristic and Personal Characteristic of Undergraduates

  14. 强制要求具有会员身份、证书或学历会阻止个人采集和传播信息,并剥夺其他人获得这些信息的机会。

    Mandatory membership , certification , or educational requirements can prevent individuals from gathering and disseminating information and deprive others of the opportunity to receive it .

  15. 因而,研究一个是社会或民族的文化或文化的变迁,就不能不关注传播媒介,不能不关注创造和实践文化的个人如何运用传播媒介。

    As a result , it is essential to pay attention to the mass media and how the individual to create and fulfill mass media to study the change of a social culture .

  16. 国家形象的塑造在全球化的今天已经不能仅仅依靠政策的说教和个人群体的传播,而是需要依靠的大众传媒中的国际传播。

    In the age of globalization , building of national image has not only depended on political persuasion or dissemination between groups or persons , it depends on international communication by mass communication .

  17. 论个人金融业务信息传播模式的演变与优化

    On Evolution and Optimization of Information Transmitting Mode of Personal Financial Business

  18. (ⅱ)保护与个人信息处理和传播有关的个人隐私及保护个人记录和账户的机密性;

    ( ii ) the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data and the protection of confidentiality of individual records and accounts ;

  19. 社交距离规则有助于八卦在社会中发挥重要作用建立社会关系;澄清观点和地位;认同和管理个人的名誉;传播社会技巧和社会术语以及社会价值观。

    The distance rule allows gossip to perform its vital social functions social bonding ; clarification of position and status ; assessment and management of reputations ; transmission of social skills , norms and values without undue invasion of privacy .

  20. 容易从一个人到另一个人的散布或传播开去。

    Easily diffused or spread as from one person to another .

  21. 接着从个人以及家庭背景、获取信息的渠道及信息量大小、个人在传播活动中扮演的角色、传播效果的影响等四个方面总结分析了人际传播路线的影响因素。

    Then she summarizes and analyses influential factors of interpersonal diffusion routes from individuals , family background features , channels of acquiring information and the amount of information , roles individuals play in the communication , communication effects and impacts .

  22. 第四部分研究分析个人用户的特征、分类、功能等,认为微博的个人用户的核心功能是自我展示和社交娱乐,针对个人微博传播的问题提出了策略。

    The fourth part of the study analysis of individual user characteristics , classifications , functions , and that the core function of the individual users of the microblogging self-presentation and social entertainment strategy for the spread of personal microblogging .