
sēng lǚ
  • monks and priests;clergy;monastic;monk
僧侣 [sēng lǚ]
  • [clergy;monks and priests] 和尚,也借称古印度婆罗门教,中世纪天主教等的修道者

  • 在修道院一直呆到二十二岁,他也成了一个僧侣--《火刑》

僧侣[sēng lǚ]
  1. 一些泰国民众开始担心,佛教僧侣的行为准则变得太过宽松。

    Some Thais , though , fear that the Buddhist clergy 's standards are slipping .

  2. 他申令既婚僧侣举行的圣礼概为无效,并且禁止这样的僧侣进入教会。

    He decreed that the sacraments of married clergy were invalid , and that such clergy must not enter churches .

  3. 僧侣过着很清苦的生活。

    The monks lived a very ascetic life .

  4. 他对僧侣们颇有微词,认为他们思想偏狭,自视清高。

    He is critical of the monks , whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous .

  5. 那里原先是座小寺庙,但当局把所有僧侣都撵走了。

    It was previously a small monastery but the authorities turned all the monks out .

  6. 印度人把他视为圣人,他既是医生又是僧侣。

    The Indians think of him as a holy man , a combination of doctor and priest .

  7. 传统上,婆罗门,或称僧侣阶级,处于社会金字塔的顶端。

    Traditionally , the Brahmins , or the priestly class , are set at the top of the social pyramid .

  8. 宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性

    Religious cults and priesthoods are sectarian by nature .

  9. 古往今来,僧侣、贵族和官员们都对樱花树的开花日期有所记载。这些数据非常详细,而且可以追溯到很久以前,从而让科学家们能够重组几个世纪前日本的气候数据。

    Down the ages , records of when the trees bloom have been kept by monks and goes back so far , it 's allowed scientists to reconstruct Japan 's climate in centuries past .

  10. 谁见过手持投资简介、会玩iPad、抛弃禁欲主义的僧侣?

    Monks wielding investment prospectuses and iPads and swearing off abstinence ?

  11. 这座基督教僧侣曾居住的小村落后来成为人所共知的BeidenMonchen,意为僧侣之地。

    The tiny village where they lived eventually became known as Bei den Mon chen , meaning where the monks are .

  12. 换句话说,21世纪的银行家们表现得像一群由黑莓(blackberry)聚集起来的僧侣阶层,认为只有那些同样能说高级金融拉丁语的人才能参加弥撒。

    Twenty-first century bankers , in other words , have been acting like a blackberry-toting priestly class that assumed that only people who spoke the equivalent of Advanced Financial Latin should be allowed to attend mass .

  13. 其中包括九十多岁的战争英雄VoNguyenGiap,持不同意见的著名僧侣ThichQuangDo,还有诸多著名科学家和环保人士。

    They include a nonagenarian war-hero , Vo Nguyen Giap , a dissident monk , Thich Quang Do , and a slew of leading scientists and environmental campaigners .

  14. 在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong (" Tongsa Fortress ") watchtower for six years .

  15. 科学史学家长久以来知道19世纪的Augustinian僧侣格里哥•孟德尔他发现了遗传性状是如何遗传的“伪造”了一些数据。

    Historians of science have long known that Gregor Mendel , the19th century Augustinian monk who discovered how genetic traits are inherited , 'fudged'some of his data .

  16. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong ( " Tongsa Fortress " ) watchtower for six years .

  17. 那是我的导师本身的师父——一位具有领袖魅力的伟大瑜伽士,我在此仅以“思瓦米吉”(Swamiji)(梵文意即“敬爱的僧侣”)称之。

    It was my Guru 's own master - a great charismatic Yogi I will refer to here only as " Swamiji " ( which is Sanskrit for " beloved monk " ) .

  18. 我们探访了古寺院的庭院与庙宇,此时僧侣们正用号角、鼓乐以及小法号(kangling,用人的大腿骨做成,吹奏哀乐之用)举行法会。

    We explored the courtyards and temples of the ancient monastery as monks performed rituals with horns , drums and a mournful pipe called a kangling , made from human thigh bones .

  19. 就像许多曾经为浅野家族工作的侍从一样,他们找到了新的职业——有的成了商人,有的成了木匠,有的甚至伪装成了僧侣。其中,有一名随从ōishi竭尽全力消除Kira的怀疑。

    Like many of the other retainers who once worked for the Asano clan , they found new professions - some became merchants , others became carpenters , some even posed as monks . Out of them all , ō ishi went to the greatest lengths to allay Kira 's suspicion .

  20. 唐五代宋初中印僧侣交往研究

    Research on Communications between China and India Monks in Tang-Song Period

  21. 他是我的家人最尊敬的僧侣。

    He was the monk that my family respected most highly .

  22. 恶魔,征兆,密码,僧侣,达.芬奇…

    Demons , omens , codes , monks , Da Vinci ...

  23. 我可以指望一位僧侣给我什么灵丹妙药吗?

    Can I expect a padre to give me some panacea ?

  24. 圣塞吉阿斯在该地区修建了一所隐僻的僧侣院。

    St Sergius founded in this area a secluded monastic abode .

  25. 愿意与僧侣结婚的信徒们也可以参加。

    Followers who want to marry with monks can also attend .

  26. 这座宏伟的修道院是一名来自诺森布利亚的僧侣所建。

    This magnificent Abbey was founded by a monk from northumbria .

  27. 职业:术士,巫师,猎人,僧侣,战士。

    Class : Wizard , Necromancer , Archer , Monk , Warrior .

  28. 因为那些僧侣打算帮助你们国家的塞米诺尔族要回佛罗里达州。

    Because the monks want to help the Seminoles take back Florida .

  29. 僧侣或修女居住的小房子。

    Small room is which a monk or nun lives .

  30. 他相信他是受到神的感召而当僧侣的。

    He believed that he had been called to become a monk .