
  1. 时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮羹。

    When wheat and wild around hirsute , strong as shag boiled soup .

  2. 其二,拉卜楞寺的主要建筑类型,如学院建筑、佛殿建筑、囊欠、僧舍都有其独特的设计规律。

    Secondly , Labuleng-monastery 's main buildings , such as college buildings , halls for worshipping Buddha , living-buddha 's houses , monks'apartment , possess their special layout rules .

  3. 寺内分前殿、后殿、祖堂及两侧僧舍厢房共一千几百米的建筑。

    Temple points Front Hall , rear , ancestral hall , and a total of1000 rooms on both sides of the shag a few hundred meters of the building .

  4. 经年累月,1600多米长的悬崖上开挖了1000多处洞窟作为佛殿或僧舍,或者供富贵家族展示自己财富的私人艺术馆。

    over the years , about 1000 caves were carved out of the mile-long escarpment as shrines or living quarters for monks , or the equivalent of private art museums where rich families could show off their wealth .