
fāng zhàng
  • square zhang;abbots room;Buddhist abbot


fāng zhang
  • Buddhist abbot
方丈 [fāng zhàng]
  • (1) [square zhang]∶一丈见方

  • 室仅方丈,可容一人居。--明. 归有光《项脊轩志》

  • (2) [square zhang]∶平方丈

  • (1) [abbots room]∶佛寺或道观中住持住的房间,因住持的居室四方各为一丈,故名

  • (2) [Buddhist abbot]∶也指佛寺或道观的住持

方丈[fāng zhàng]
方丈[fāng zhang]
  1. 在舆论的风口浪尖上,一向高调的老方丈释永信多亏练过盖世神功,才能如此镇定。

    The aged Buddhist abbot Shi Yongxin who usually plays high profile could only behave so calmly thanks to his matchless magical Kungfu , under the public opinion .

  2. 中国媒体称释永信为“ceo方丈”。

    Mr Shi is known in the Chinese media as " the CEO monk " .

  3. 事实上,它是中国走向世界最知名的金字招牌,对此释永信方丈“居功至伟”,中国媒体给了他“和尚CEO”的绰号。

    In fact , it is probably one of the most famous global brands to have come out of China in any industry , thanks in no small part to the abbot , whom Chinese media have dubbed the " CEO monk " .

  4. 少林寺方丈眼中的普京总统

    President Putin in the Eyes of the Abbot of Shaolin Temple

  5. 哈,但是方丈是释永信啊,不是你。

    Ha , but the abbot is Shiyongxin , not you .

  6. 正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。

    Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks .

  7. 等到方丈和尚过了一个时期回来了,一见到我就说:「啊!

    He said goodbye to the abbot and set out to go home .

  8. 不知!你先去吧,我随后到,方丈!

    I do not know ! You go , I followed the abbot !

  9. 方丈说,往里看。

    And the abbot said , Look inside .

  10. 于是职工下岗,企业倒闭,富了方丈穷了庙。

    So laid-off workers , business failures , poor and rich abbot of the temple .

  11. 快乐中国牛年!广济寺方丈演觉法师题新年贺词。

    Happy Chinese New OX Year ! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple .

  12. 室仅方丈,可容一人居。

    It was only ten feet by ten , large enough for one person to live in .

  13. 少林寺方丈三藏经祖师指点,寻找这一千年前三位少林盖世英雄的转世。

    Sanzang , the great Shaolin master , communicates with the divine spirits of his ancestors of advice .

  14. 研究表明径山方丈椅是新发现的又一种宋代圈椅。

    The Jingshan abbot chair in Southern Song Dynasty is discovered to be a new kind of circular chair .

  15. 孙悟空虽然惩罚了黑心的方丈,却再次弄丢了师傅的袈裟。

    Although the Monkey King had severely penalized the black-hearted abbot , he lost the master 's cassock once again .

  16. 菜不断地被端上来,方丈矜持地说自己吃饭一般很简单。

    As the bowls keep coming , the abbot is careful to point out that he normally eats very plain food .

  17. 新中国成立后,岳崇岱方丈曾任中国道教协会第一任会长。

    After the founding of New China , the Master Dai Congdai became the first president of the China Taoist Association .

  18. 第一次,黑客伪造方丈的语气写了一封“悔过书”,历数其过往的种种罪状。

    In one instance a fake apology letter from the abbot was posted on the site , listing his alleged misdeeds .

  19. 方丈见这老人仪表不凡,便邀他到寺里喝茶。

    Abbot see this old instrument out of the ordinary , they invited him to To the temple to drink tea .

  20. 葛月潭方丈多次举办绘画义卖赈灾活动,举办教会学堂,发展教育事业。

    The master Ge Yuetan held on paintings sales for disaster freely several times , held the church school and developed the education .

  21. 图为少林寺方丈释永信法师代表少林寺向美国少林拳法联盟赠送达摩像。

    Shaolin Temple Abbot Master Shi Yongxin representing the Shaolin Temple presents a Bodhidharma statue as a gift to the US Shaolin Fist Union .

  22. 他若道录司、斋堂、方丈、诸羽流栖息、厨浴、仓库、厢房,通数千间。

    If he were Secretary Road , Zhaitang , abbots , Zhu plume habitat , kitchen bath , storage , rooms , through several thousand .

  23. “悔过书”指责释永信担任方丈10年间让具有1000历史的少林寺走上商业化道路,玷污了宗教的名声,违背了少林寺的宗旨。

    It accused Shi of commercializing the1,000-year-old temple during his10 years at the helm , staining the religion 's reputation and breaching its fundamental discipline .

  24. 寺里的方丈悟性禅师急得团团转,工匠们更是个个心焦火燎,一筹莫展。

    Temple Yongxin understanding of the Zen Master lost in a fog anxious , and craftsmen are all anxious Huoliao , unable to do anything .

  25. 少林寺在声明中说到,这种毫无根据和恶意造谣的谣言实在有损方丈和少林寺的名声。

    The temple said in a statement that the " groundless " and " maliciously false " rumor has damaged the abbot 's and temple 's reputation .

  26. 这时候,方丈和好几百僧民都来到了,全都被那遮天蔽日的黑烟吸引来的,也全都兴奋得了不得。

    Now arrived the abbot and several hundred monks and nuns , all drawn by the prodigious smoke , and all in a grand state of excitement .

  27. 深夜,方丈趁师徒四人睡着时将他们的房门锁上,然后放火烧他们的卧房。

    In the dead of night , the abbot bolted the door when Xuan Zang and his disciples fell asleep , and then set the bedroom on fire .

  28. 在少林寺方丈公开表示不会派人参加奥运比赛后,有博客作者和运动员暗示少林寺是因为怕输而不愿参赛。

    After the abbot publicly distanced Shaolin from the Olympics in October , Chinese bloggers and athletes began to suggest the monks are just scared they wouldn 't win .

  29. 少林寺方丈释永信称,武术是动中悟禅。他的会客室正设在一座苦思冥想造型的佛像旁边。

    ' Kungfu is Zen practice in motion , 'says Shi Yongxin , the abbot of Shaolin , sitting in his office next to a sculpture of a meditating Buddha .

  30. 在国有企业中,存在严重的穷庙富方丈现象,国有企业高管利用内部人控制非法侵占国有资产。

    There is a serious phenomenon that a poor temple has a rich abbot in the state-owned enterprise , whose executives make use of internal control force to infringe the state-owned assets .