
fānɡ shù
  • medicine, divination, and similar arts
方术 [fāng shù]
  • [arts of necromancy,astrology,medicine,etc.] 古时指方士求仙、炼丹的方法;也指医、卜、星、相等技术

  1. 第三节是方术对唐朝战争的影响。

    Section ⅲ is a side effect of the war operation of the Tang Dynasty .

  2. 她发现人们非常擅长根据具体场合选择最合适的联系方术。

    She found people are very good at choosing the best technology for each situation .

  3. 小说从一开始就受到方术文化的深刻影响,方士是最早的小说创作者。

    Fiction was deeply influenced by Alchemy culture at first . Alchemists were the early novel creators .

  4. 董仲舒的治身观念来源于上古方术及黄老思想,是对经典儒学养身思想的有效补充。

    The body-management mode of thought of Dong Zhongshu traces back to ancient necromancy and the thoughts of Huangdi and Laozi .

  5. 第二部分论析了影响曹植神仙方术观形成的三个主要因素:传统文化渊源;

    In the second part , theories Xi affect Cao plant the 3 major factors that immortal art view forms : Traditional cultural origin ;

  6. 这些物品和巫医术士使用的物品大致相同,反映出早期道教和巫医方术之间密不可分的关系。

    The substances are similar to those used by shamanists , which reflects a close relation between Daoism and sorcery medicine in ancient times .

  7. 在中国传统文化中,神秘文化&方术,在相当程度上影响着中国文化进程和国人的思维方式。

    There is a traditional mystical culture in China & magic arts . Mostly it influences the development of Chinese culture and the way of thinking .

  8. 白族民间文学既拥有大量的道教人物及与之相关的故事,又广泛地吸纳了道教的方术和仙境幻想。

    Bai folk literature possesses not only numerous Taoist figures and stories relating to these characters , but has also absorbed Taoist illusions about magic and fairyland .

  9. 在此基础上,王充还对人死为鬼说,各种神仙方术,卜筮等世俗迷信的虚妄性进行了揭示。

    Basing on his theory , Wang Chong also disclosed such falsities as human would become ghost after their death , immortal art , divination and other mundane superstitions .

  10. 太一行九宫是中国古代方术之一,《黄帝内经》理论的建构,也借用了太一行九宫的思想。

    The idea of Taiyi in Jiugong is one of ancient Chinese Fangshu and some of the viewpoints in it were borrowed into the Yellow Emperor 's Internal Organs .

  11. 众所周知,方术迷信在我国有着悠久的历史,作为传统文化中的糟粕,其对社会所造成的影响或危害是十分巨大的。

    It is well known that superstition has long been rooted in China , and as a defect in our traditional culture , it has a severe impact on the society .

  12. 梦的形成主要受到唐前巫文化,神仙方术,天人感应思想,及唐代隆盛的佛道二教的影响。

    The formation of dreams is mainly influenced by pre-Tang witch culture , immortal occult techniques , interactions between heaven and mankind , and the Buddhism and Taoism prevailing in Tang Dynasty .

  13. 先秦两汉时期,道教盛行,方术文化发达,直接影响了先秦两汉小说的萌生和发展,使这一时期的小说刻上了深深的宗教烙印。

    In the Pre-qin and two Han Dynasties , Taoism was in full bloom and religious belief was well developed , which led to the sprout and development of the Pre-qin and two Han Dynasties fictions .

  14. 本文以宋前志怪小说与方术为研究对象,以文学分析与文化阐释、理论分析与文本细读、宏观考察与微观剖析相结合的方法,具体探讨志怪小说与方术的关系。

    This thesis discusses the relationship between the mysterious novels before Song Dynasty and Fang Shu as a method of combining with the literature analysis and cultural interpretation , the theoretical analysis and the text interpretation and a macro examination and a micro analysis .

  15. 方术是一种较为庞杂的思想体系,在中国历史上影响深远,其内容覆盖面十分广泛,包括卜筮,星占,相术,堪舆,占梦,择吉,符咒等等。

    Square technique is a relatively large and complex system of thought , far-reaching impact in Chinese history , and the content coverage is extensive , including divination , astrology , physiognomy , geomancy , dream interpretation , pick an auspicious day , spells , and so on .