
jiàn zhǔ
  • tyrant
  1. 亚里士多德结论说,对一个僭主来说,没有什么罪恶是太大的。

    Aristotle concludes that there is no wickedness too great for a tyrant .

  2. 基于特殊的地理因素和时代背景,僭主政治注定是历史的昙花一现;

    Based on the special geographic environment and time background , the Tyrant politics was doomed to be a flash in history ;

  3. 在西方,它肇始于古代哲学僭主&柏拉图。

    In Western , it started from the ancient giant philosopher-Plato .

  4. 希腊早期僭主政治的历史作用

    The Historical Function of the Greek Tyranny

  5. 三十僭主中有些人,包括他们的首领克利提亚在内,曾经是苏格拉底的学生。

    Some of the Thirty , including Critias , their chief , had been pupils of Socrates .

  6. 战争的结局是斯巴达人在雅典建立了一个寡头政府,史称三十僭主。

    At the end of the war , the Spartans established in Athens an oligarchial government , known as the Thirty Tyrants .

  7. 至于僭主政治对人性的戕害主要体现在权欲,政治制度以及理性言说三个方面。

    Then , the article studies the harming of humanity from power , politics system and rational speech of the Tyrant politics .

  8. 从这个意义上来讲,作为僭主的庇西特拉图可以视为“带卫队的梭伦”。

    In this sense , Pisistratus , the tyrant , can be justified to be termed " Solon followed by bodyguards " .

  9. 由于商品经济的发达、阶级矛盾、种族矛盾、军事变革等因素,该地区在希腊世界率先建立了僭主政治。

    Because of flourished commodity economy , class contradiction , race contradiction and the military reform , Peloponnese took lead in establishing the tyranny .
