
  • 网络cyrene;Cyrens
  1. 昔兰尼是锡拉岛希腊人的殖民地,是希腊最主要的城市之一,它当时已经完成了罗马化。

    A colony of the Greeks of Thera , Cyrene was one of the principal cities in the Hellenic world .

  2. 笔者将昔兰尼建立的原因分别从经济、宗教、文化几个方面入手。

    The writer will take the study of Cyrene ` s foundation respectively from the aspects of economy , religion , cultural .

  3. 由亚里斯提卜创建的昔兰尼学派哲学认为,事实上,幸福是人所追求的好的、最好的或主要的目的;

    The philosophy of the Cyrenaic school , founded by Aristippus , proceeds on the assumption that happiness is , in point of fact , the good , the supreme good , or chief end of man ;

  4. 贝卢斯科尼的办公室发表声明说,贝卢斯科尼还将把昔兰尼市的女神维纳斯塑像交给卡扎菲,这个古罗马塑像是1913年意大利军队从利比亚海岸地区的希腊和罗马人定居点昔兰尼的废墟上拿走的。

    Mr. Berlusconi 's office said in a statement that the premier would also hand over to Gadhafi the goddess Venus of Cyrene , an ancient Roman statue taken in 1913 by Italian troops from the ruins of the Greek and Roman settlement of Cyrene , on the Libyan coast .