
  • 网络Xiyang County
  1. 本研究就是针对这一现实,以山西省昔阳县为研究区域,探讨了基于正射影像图和GIS技术的土地利用现状变更调查方法。

    This paper discusses the methods of land use status update survey based on vertical image and GIS as a case of Xiyang against this situation .

  2. 高压喷射灌浆技术在昔阳县洪水潜流二水源工程中的应用

    Application of High - pressure Jet Grouting in Flood Underflow Project , Xiyang County

  3. 山西省昔阳县境内寺家庄井田在构造上处于阳泉矿区地层走向由北西向南北方向的转折地带,先后经过三次应力作用。

    The Sijiazhuang minefield in Xiyang County , Shanxi Province is located in the Yangquan mining area strike transition from NW to NS zone , had experienced three stressing actions early or late .