
  • 网络yu county;Mengxian
  1. 盂县女性农民高血压发病因素的前瞻性研究

    A prospective study on the risk factors of hypertension in woman peasants of Yu County

  2. 但当张双兵开始写关于盂县慰安妇的书时,她的儿子因难堪而禁止她参与。

    But when he began to write a book about the comfort women of Yu County , her mortified son forbade her from participating .

  3. 南至牛道岭,与盂县为界;

    Pandaoling cattle south , and bounded Yuxian ;

  4. 盂县位于山西省中东部,隶属于阳泉市,盂县方言属晋语并州片。

    Yuxian belongs to Yangquan City , which is located in the middle east of Shanxi Province .

  5. 盂县花椒对降血压、增进食欲、驱寒、止痒解腥等都很有帮助。

    Yuxian pepper on blood pressure , increase appetite , cold , fishy solution itching and so helpful .

  6. 相当长时间内,寿阳、盂县等地的人民对鬼神祭祀活动非常的热宠,而且对它非常重视。

    In the quite long time , places the such as Shouyang , Yu County people favor to the ghosts and gods sacrificial offering activity unusual heat , moreover takes seriously to it .
