
  • 网络pester power
  1. “儿童消费力”问题愈发突出与儿童广告的增加直接相关。

    The growth of the issue of Pester Power is directly related to the rise of child advertising .

  2. “儿童消费力”指的是儿童影响其父母消费决策的能力,通常通过唠叨和纠缠不休达到让父母购物的目的。

    Pester power is a child 's ability to affect their parents ' marketing decisions , often through the use of nagging , or pestering .

  3. 营销公司常用“儿童消费力”来描述4到6岁的儿童的这种行为。他们自己没有什么钱,因而无法自己买东西。

    Pester Power is commonly used by marketing companies to target the 4 – 6 years old category as they have limited disposable income of their own , and consequently do not have the means to buy goods themselves .

  4. 他们说,成人们其实可以通过抵制“儿童消费力”来改善与孩子之间的关系。

    They say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting'pester power ' .