
ér tóng gōng yuán
  • children park;Children's Park;The Childrens Park;children's garden
  1. MEMORY·童年·印象&合肥市政务文化新区儿童公园概念性方案

    Memory , Childhood and Impression & The Conceptual Plan of the Children Park in the Newly Developed Area for Government and Culture in Hefei

  2. 其中,出现了以大众娱乐为主的儿童公园;

    Among them , there are Children Park which major for public entertainment ;

  3. 这个新的儿童公园是为了艺术教育而设的。

    The new children 's park is intended for the art education .

  4. 我们将会去儿童公园,在儿童节。

    We will go to Children 's Park , On Children 's Day .

  5. 这星期六儿童公园中将会有一个风筝节。

    There will be a kite day in the Children 's Park on Saturday .

  6. 儿童公园亭台曲桥,碧波泛舟,宛若水上世界;

    Quqiao children 's park pavilions , boating blue , like water in the world ;

  7. 用黑白瓶测氧法,研究了大连市3个水体(植物园、儿童公园、马栏河)不同粒级浮游植物(<200μm、<20μm、<2μm)对水体生物量和初级生产力的作用。

    Primary production , biomasses and chlorophyll a level of size fractionated phytoplankton ( < 200 μ m , < 20 μ m , < 2 μ m ) were estimated in the water bodies ( Botanical Garden , Children 's Park , Malan River ) with different nutrition .

  8. 2009年《注意力障碍年报》一个研究就发现有注意力障碍的儿童在公园中散步后集中力有相应改善。

    And a2009 study in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that children with attention problems concentrate better after a walk in the park .

  9. 从第五大道起我浏览这座城市---到派克大道,到贫民窟,到工厂区,到儿童游乐的公园去。

    From Fifth Avenue I make a tour of the city-to Park avenue , to the slums , to factories , to parks where children play .

  10. 他们成为电影、儿童图书和主题公园的怪诞背景。

    They provide an eerie backdrop for movies , children 's books and theme-park rides .

  11. 儿童的世界&东风城儿童世界公园规划设计

    The " World " for the Children & Planning and Design of Dongfeng City Children 's World Park