
yìn shuā ɡōnɡ
  • printer;pressman;machine man;printing worker
  1. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。

    The printer can set this additional page in here .

  2. 突然从后排传出声音问道:“谁是印刷工呀?”

    But suddenly a voice from the rear sked ," Who is the printer ?"

  3. 在费城这个比达拉斯还小的大都市地区,艺术对经济的贡献将近300万美元,创造了4.4万个工作岗位,其中80%的岗位来自艺术行业之外,包括会计师、营销人员、建筑工人、酒店经理、印刷工和其他类型的艺术工作者。

    In Philadelphia , a metro area smaller than Dallas , the arts have an economic impact of almost $ 3 million and support 44,000 jobs , 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry , including accountants , marketers , construction workers , hotel managers , printers , and other kinds of art workers .

  4. 印刷工是指印刷书和报纸的人。

    Printers are men who print books and papers .

  5. 你确定吗?可能有个印刷工故意报复你呢。

    Are you sure ? Maybe there 's a vindictive printer working for you .

  6. 管子工、印刷工、染色工、镶玻璃工、制陶工,仅举这几例

    Plumbers , printers , dyers , glaziers and potters , to mention but a few

  7. 当然伦敦对希伯来印刷工的需求不是很大。

    And of course there was no great demand in London for a Hebrew typographer .

  8. 印刷工说“每人有一份准确描述对方优点的复印本”。

    The printer : Each has a copy printed with an exact account of the other'merits .

  9. 印刷工把书的第1章粘贴好了,让作者了解他的书会是什么样的。

    The printer pasted up the first chapter to show the author what his book would look like .

  10. 样张用于指导印刷工的,在相应位置上有文字或插图的样品页。

    One of a set of model pages with text and illustrations pasted into place to direct the printer .

  11. 她们当守门人或狱卒,教堂司事、记者、印刷工、药剂师、助产士、护士和教师。

    They were gatekeepers , jail keepers , sextons , journalists , printers , apothecaries , midwives , nurses , and teachers .

  12. 大量中国的木雕匠和印刷工于此时移居日本,使得印刷的数量和质量都有较大地提升。

    A number of Chinese block carvers and printers emigrated to Japan in this period , and the quantity and quality of printing improved .

  13. 从前印刷工把大小写字母的字体放在独立的盘里;大写字母保存在字体盘的上半部。

    Printers once kept type for capitals and small letters in separate cases ; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case .

  14. 随后凯伊将这首诗交给了巴尔的摩的一名印刷工,还配上了不太上口的《致天堂里的阿那克里翁》的改编曲。

    Key later forwarded his poem to a Baltimore printer , coupling it with a slightly less singable arrangement of " To Anacreon in Heaven " .

  15. 由哈罗德·贝尔·莱特创作的福音书籍《德尔的印刷工》曾深深地影响过孩提时期的美国前总统罗纳德·里根。

    One book that had a big effect on former President Ronald Reagan as a child was the Christian book That Printer of Udell 's , by Harold Bell Wright .

  16. 第一种源头是16世纪印刷工开始用克丢西尔斯杖作为他们的徽章,因为他们觉得这可以象征他们作为报信者和生意人的身份。

    The first of these came in the1500 s when printers began to use the caduceus as their insignia because they felt it symbolized their role as messengers and businessmen .

  17. 她签订合同当了一名印刷学徒工。

    He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer .

  18. 印刷覆膜工慢性苯中毒1例报告

    A worker engaged with film-laminating in printing industry was diagnosed as chronic benzene poisoning

  19. 铅印刷厂字模工神经行为功能的改变

    Neurobehavioral alteration in lead printing workers

  20. 父亲去世的一年后,他辍了学并在印刷厂当起学徒,1851年当他哥哥奥利翁买下《汉尼堡杂志》时,吐温去那里给他干活,当了一名印刷工兼编辑助理。

    Within a year of his father 's death , he quit school and became an apprentice printer , and when his brother Orion bought the Hannibal Journal in1851 , Twain went to work for him as a printer and editorial assistant .