
  • 网络bicycle;Children Bicycle;kids bike
  1. 你知道新的儿童自行车的活页小册子吗?

    And you know the little pull-out leaflet for the new children 's cycles ?

  2. 复杂的玩具,如儿童自行车、学步车、电脑学习机等,应有详细的使用方法及注意事项。

    Complex toys , such as children bicycles , walkers , computer learning machine should use , and detailed notes .

  3. 消费者事务部表示,有些产品,比如儿童自行车头盔、踏板车、洗发水和剃刀刀片等,男女版本差异极小,甚至没有差异,但价格却明显不同

    Giving some case studies , such as children 's cycle helmets , scooters , shampoo and razor cartridges , the DCA showed how similar , or even almost identical products , can cost different amounts for men and women .

  4. 英格兰自行车协会也希望鼓励更多的儿童骑自行车上学,从而促进他们的身体健康;

    Cycling England is also hoping to encourage more children to cycle to school to improve their fitness ;