
  1. 但是一项最新研究警告称,许多儿童照CR会被置于不必要的放射中。

    But a recent study warned that more children than necessary are being radiation this way .

  2. 但是一项最新研究警告称,许多儿童照CR会被置于不必要的辐射中。

    But a recent study warned that more children than necessary are being exposed to radiation this way .

  3. 一位发言人补充道:Twitter有法律义务把包含儿童不雅照的任何帐户细节发给在美国的国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心[NCMEC]。

    A spokesman added : Twitter are obliged by law to send details of any accounts containing indecent images of children to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children [ NCMEC ] in the US .

  4. 一位发言人补充道:“Twitter有法律义务把包含儿童不雅照的任何帐户细节发给在美国的国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心[NCMEC]。

    A spokesman added : " Twitter are obliged by law to send details of any accounts containing indecent images of children to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children [ NCMEC ] in the US .

  5. 牛若牴死了男女儿童,也应照这法律处理。

    This law applies if it is a boy or a girl that the ox gores .

  6. 英国防止虐待儿童协会的发言人说:“很显然这是非常令人不安的虐待儿童照。

    An NSPCC spokesman said : " Apparently these were pretty disturbing images of child abuse .