
  • 网络digital photography;CHIP FOTO-VIDEO Digital
  1. 为了支持这一建议,德克萨斯大学拉达拉斯分校的丹尼斯·C。帕克和他的同事于2014年进行了一项研究,该研究证明,学习编织或数码摄影能增强老年人的记忆功能。

    In support of that suggestion , a 2014 study by Denise C. Park of the University of Texas at Dallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhanced memory function in older adults .

  2. 尽管柯达公司预料到数码摄影终将崛起,但它的企业文化过度沉溺于过去的辉煌,以至于它无法塑底脱离过去,也就无法全力迎接未来。

    Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography , its corporateculture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future .

  3. 几十年前,柯达公司就已经预见到数码摄影将会赶超胶片。事实上,柯达公司在1975就发明了第一台数码照相机。然而,在这一决定命运的抉择中,柯达公司选择了搁置新发明而把注意力继续集主查传统堂片业务上。

    Decades ago , Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film — and in fact , Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision , the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business .

  4. 数码摄影是一项颠覆性的创新。

    Digital photography was a disruptive innovation .

  5. 换上数码摄影后与先前胶片相比的另一个不同是所有的数码文件都必须在Photoshop中调整色彩,对比和锐度。

    Another difference with shooting Digital images over film , is all digital files have to be adjusted in Photoshop for color , contrast and sharpening .

  6. 伊士曼柯达(EastmanKodak)和索尼(Sony)昨日结束了一场专利权争端,同意相互授权使用对方在数码摄影领域的专利。这场备受关注的争端已在美国持续将近3年。

    Eastman Kodak and Sony yesterday ended a high-profile patent dispute that has raged in the US for nearly three years , agreeing to cross-license each other 's intellectual property surrounding digital photography .

  7. 文章主要针对数码摄影的介入进行探讨。

    The thesis mainly discussed the intervention of digital photography .

  8. 基于数码摄影技术的岩体裂隙测量方法初探

    Study on rock mass joint measurement based on Digital Photogrammetry

  9. 数码摄影在当代平面广告中的运用研究

    Study on Application of Digital Photography on Contemporary Plane Advertisement

  10. 没人能说柯达缺乏数码摄影的知识。

    And no one could say Kodak lacked knowledge of digital photography .

  11. 曝光补偿在数码摄影中的探讨

    Expose Compensation in the Figures to Photograph a Medium Study

  12. 数码摄影技术应用于刑事照相的新思考

    Thoughts on Digital Photographic Technique Applied in Criminal Photography

  13. 就像数码摄影一样,这是不可避免的。

    Like with digital photography & this is inevitable .

  14. 如何提高医学素材数码摄影的画面效果

    On how to improve the picture effect of digital photography of medical materials

  15. 用数码摄影测量法实现大型沉井可视化动态监测

    Visual Measurement of Large Scale Well Sinking by Means of Close up Photogrammetry

  16. 简易头部标本数码摄影方法

    Simple Means of Digital Photography for Specimen of Head

  17. 航空数码摄影系统的应用与展望

    Application and Expectation of the Aerial Digital Photography System

  18. 青光眼视网膜神经纤维层的数码摄影及模糊影像的图像处理

    Digital photography and blurred image processing of retinal nerve fiber layer in glaucoma

  19. 水利工程三维模型试验变形的数码摄影监测

    Digital Photography Monitoring in Three-dimensional Model Experiment of Deformation on Water Conservancy Project

  20. 手印偏角数码摄影与影像矫正

    Angular Digital Photographing of Fingerprints and Image Correction

  21. 论数码摄影在读图时代的地位与作用

    On the Status and Function on Digital Photograph in the ' Picture Reading Era '

  22. 长沙市数码摄影器材商城简介

    Profile of Changsha Digital Photographic Equipment Hypermarket

  23. 我的第一份工作是在一家数码摄影公司实习,从事设计员工作。

    My first work is a designer in a digital photography company , for practice .

  24. 浅谈数码摄影的实用性

    On the Practicability of Digital Photography

  25. 数码摄影的发展及其对视觉艺术的影响是今日难以估量的。

    The development of digital photography and its impact on the visual arts is immeasurable today .

  26. 数码摄影验光法在儿童眼病与屈光异常普查中的应用

    The application of the digital photorefraction in the screening of children eye diseases and refractive errors

  27. 通过对数码摄影与传统摄影的异同点进行比较,提出了一些课程设置建议。

    Secondly , some suggestions of course installation were submitted after the comparison of digital photography and traditional photography .

  28. 传统的摄影和数码摄影一样都是一种拍摄者对客观世界的主观选择。

    Traditional photography and digital photography are both means a photographer can subjectively choose to face an objective world .

  29. 采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。

    Applying the method of taking pictures , this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon .

  30. 数码摄影爱好者说他们用数码相机可以拍到更好的照片。

    Fans of digital photography say they take better pictures with digital cameras , because they can see their pictures immediately .