
yǔn zhǔn
  • allow
允准 [yǔn zhǔn]
  • [permit] 准许;同意

  • 允准请求

  1. 仰请允准。

    We beg for your kind permission .

  2. 管约论认为ECM受NP格的驱动推导而成,赋格主要允准条件为管辖和邻近,其结果往往因限制过于严格而无法达到完全解释。

    In GB theory , derivation of ECM is case - driven , case assignment is licensed on the bases of Government and Adjacency , which result in the failure of Full Interpretation , together with numerous constraints .

  3. 生成语法中关于PRO的研究基于对英语语料的分析,论证了PRO存在的证据和语法、语义功能,并总结了PRO的分布规律和允准条件。

    Based on analysis of English corpora , PRO studies in Generative Grammar have shown us the evidence of the existence of PRO and its functions in sentence in terms of grammar and meaning . So far the distribution rules and conditions of PRO have been generalized by the researchers .

  4. 本文在Chomsky(1999)的基本框架下重新分析所谓的领有名词提升移位,并对以往的分析提出质疑。该领有名词组应该分析为基础生成的标记性话题,由述语中的语义变量所允准。

    We propose a new analysis of the so-called Possessor Raising Movement ( as shown in ( 1 )) in the spirit of Chomsky ( 1999 ) . The possessor NP is better analyzed as a base-generated marked topic licensed by a semantic variable in the comment .

  5. 382年的一次教会会议最终允准了这一编排。

    A church council of382 gave final approval to the list .

  6. 彼拉多允准,他就把耶稣的身体领去了。

    He came therefore , and took the body of Jesus .

  7. 为什么汉语负极词需要这样的允准条件?

    ( c ) why should Chinese NPIs require such licensing conditions ?

  8. 完句条件与指称特征的允准

    Conditions on the Completeness of Sentences and the Licensing of Referential Features

  9. 朱丽叶:你的祷告已蒙神明允准。

    Juliet : Saints do not move , though grant for prayers'sake .

  10. 负极词的极端敏感性及允准条件研究阴极极化对907钢氢脆敏感性的影响

    Effect of Cathodic Polarization on the Susceptibility to Hydrogen Embrittlement of 907 Steel

  11. 又照样打发使者去见摩押王,他也不允准。

    They sent also to the king of Moab , and he refused .

  12. 他还是个孩子,因此需要他父亲允准才行。

    He was still a boy and thus required his father 's approval .

  13. 委办便允准他们这件事,试看他们十天。??

    consented to them in this matter , and proved them ten days .

  14. 论汉语动词省略句中不同允准词的层次结构

    Hierarchical Structure of Different Licensers in Chinese VP-Ellipsis

  15. 语义同一条件具备了成为一个动词短语省略允准条件所要求的基本因素。

    So , syntactic identity condition has possesses basic factors for VP omission permitted condition .

  16. 无定主语的允准跟是否有成分满足话题需求有关。

    The licensing of an indefinite subject is relative to the requirement of the topic .

  17. 关于词项和概念的辨析负极词的极端敏感性及允准条件研究

    The Argumentation about Term and Concept Negative Polarity Item : Its Polarity Sensitivity and Licensing Conditions

  18. 王就允准我,因我神施恩的手帮助我。

    And the king granted me , according to the good hand of my God upon me .

  19. 极性敏感项的允准:从否定到(非)真实性标准电池允许放电量

    License for Polar Sensitivity : from Negation to ( None ) Veridicality ; permissible discharge of standard cell

  20. 此外,如获允准间或联同客户前来参观贵饭店整修,定必有莫大帮助。

    It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel .

  21. 你的骄傲的祈祷已经获得允准。你的悔罪的祈祷也会被允准的。

    The prayer of your pride has been answered . The prayer of your repentance will be answered too .

  22. 简单的说,就是在意义建构的过程中达到自我一致,自我认同,自我评价和自我允准。

    In easy words , it is the self-agreement , self-recognition , self-evaluation and self-licencing in the meaning construction .

  23. 委办便允准他们这件事,试看他们十天。

    So he gave ear to them in this thing and put them to the test for ten days .

  24. 疑问代词和否定词共现时,前者要受到包括否定算子在内的句法允准语的约束。

    When interrogative pronoun and negative word appear simultaneously , the former is restrained by syntactic licensor including negative operator .

  25. 该领有名词组应该分析为基础生成的标记性话题,由述语中的语义变量所允准。

    The possessor NP is better analyzed as a base-generated marked topic licensed by a semantic variable in the comment .

  26. 虽然允准的句式一样,但允准的原因是不一样,这是以前的研究者所忽视了的。

    Although the structures are same , the reasons of permission are different , which is overlooked by previous researchers .

  27. 其四,归纳了双重否定的语境分布特点、标记共现规律和语境允准条件。

    Fourth , summarize the distribution context of double negation , rules of relative marks of double negation and contextual condition .

  28. 王便允准如此行。旨意传在书珊,人就把哈曼十个儿子的尸首挂起来了。

    And the king commanded it so to be done : and the decree was given at Shushan ; and they hanged Haman 's ten sons .

  29. 这种机制主要采用经济的合并操作,而限制其生成能力的是我们为汉语关系结构归纳的语义允准条件。

    This mechanism mainly employs the economical merge operation and its derivational power may be restricted by the semantic licensing conditions we specified for Chinese RCs .

  30. 动词后的有定名词可以获得话题/焦点结构允准,只要其传达的信息不属于话语预设信息的一部分。

    The post-verbal definite NP can be allowed by the topic-focus structure as long as the information denoted by it does not belong to the presupposition .