
ɡuān jīn
  • hub/key point for land/water transportation
关津 [guān jīn]
  • [pass and ferry] 水陆交通必经的要道,关口和渡口,泛指设在关口或渡口的关卡

  • 吏民出入,持布钱以副符传。不持者,厨传勿舍,关津苛留。--《汉书.王莽传》

  1. 汉简所反映的关津制度

    The Customs Station System As Reflected in the Unearthed Slips of the Han Dynasty

  2. 唐代军镇关津的涉外事务管理职能涉外民商事审判中外国法查明问题探讨

    Jun , Zhen , Barrier and ferrys Administrative Function on Concerning Foreign Affairs in Tang Dynasty

  3. 关津在军事防御、控制人员往来、检查违禁物品、缉拿罪犯等方面起着重要作用。

    They played an important role in military defense , control of people ? s movement , checking contraband goods and bringing criminals to justice .