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  1. 元末农民大起义虽然最后被地主阶级利用去作为改朝换代的工具,但它推翻了元朝,使四大汗国失去了共主,这是具有世界历史意义的大事。

    The peasant uprising overthrew the Yuan Dynasty though it was made use by the class of landlords as tools to change dynasties . It made the four Khan countries lose their common leader , and this is a great event with world historical importance .

  2. 元末农民大起义的特点和历史意义:元末农民大起义是以汉族人民为主体、包括其他各族劳动人民在内的反对元朝封建统治和民族压迫的一场大规摸斗争。

    The features and historical meaning of the Peasant Uprisings at the end of Yuan : The Peasant Uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty is a great struggle a-gainst the Yuan feudal control and national oppression with the major force of the Hans and the other nationalities .