
tínɡ zhànɡ
  • flogging with a big stick at court: a punishment in ancient China
  • cane a courtier at court in the presence of other courtiers
廷杖 [tíng zhàng]
  • [flog a stateman at court] 帝王在朝廷上杖责臣子

  1. 由廷杖的角度来看,正、嘉二朝有许多的相似,也存在著诸多之不同。

    Viewing in Ting-Zhang itself , there are lots of similarities and differentiations between Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign .

  2. 是故正、嘉二朝不但是廷杖的第二高峰期,其规模及伤害更远非成化朝所能及。

    Therefore , Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign is not only second peak , the affection and harm caused by is also beyond Cheng-hua reign .