
  • 网络inflatable boat;inflatable dinghy;RIB;RHIB
  1. 外表上还是二十多岁的持枪者们,穿着T恤,黑衬衣和牛仔裤,驾着黑色和黄色的充气橡皮艇登上海岸。

    The gunmen , most of them apparently in their twenties , wearing T-shirts , black shirts and jeans , came ashore in black and yellow inflatable rubber dinghies .

  2. 搭乘充气橡皮艇的救援人员围着GE235航班的机身,试图营救仍在机上的人。机身有一部分淹没于水中,处于侧立状态。

    Emergency rescue officials in inflatable boats crowded around the partially submerged fuselage of flight GE235 , lying on its side in the river , trying to help those on board .

  3. 被阿特旅馆的工作人员带出漂浮小屋后,游客们可以在甲板上放松身心,或在下一晚水下生活之前使用酒店的充气橡皮艇去探索梅拉伦湖上某个无人居住的岛屿。

    After being taken out to the floating hut by Utter Inn staff , visitors can relax on the deck or use the hotel 's inflatable dinghy to explore one of the uninhabited islands in Lake Malaren before a night underwater .