
yú jù
  • fishing gear;tackle;fishing tackle
渔具 [yú jù]
  • [fishing tackle] 捕捉鱼虾等的器具

渔具[yú jù]
  1. 与体型较小的鲸鱼相比,关于大型鲸鱼被渔具缠住的报道很少,因此产生了一种假设,即最大的鲸鱼可能在很大程度上避免了这个威胁。

    Reports of very large whales getting entangled2 in fishing gear are rare compared with smaller species , leading to the assumption that the biggest whales might largely avoid such threats .

  2. GB/T5147-1985渔具分类、命名及代号

    The classification and nomenclature with its code name of fishing gear

  3. 渔具渔法对底栖群落(BenthicCommunity)及其栖息地(Habitat)的影响

    Effect of Fishing Gear and Fishing , Method on Benthic Community and Habitat

  4. -他的每滴血都包含了有害物质-Carl他还在这里买过渔具呢

    Every his blood is biohazard . - Hey Carl , his over here and fishing too .

  5. 同时公司原为各渔具商做贴牌(OEM)产品。

    At the same time , the company was doing all fishing gear are OEM ( OEM ) products .

  6. 第五章通过设计调查问卷分别测量参展商对威海渔具展、主办方CHINAFISH以及主办地威海的忠诚度,由调查结果分析威海渔具展的合作各方在这一品牌会展中的作用。

    Chapter ⅴ measured the exhibitors ' loyalty of CGC EXPO , Weihai and CHINA FISH through the survey questionnaires . And analysis the function of cooperation parties in this brand exhibition by the result of the survey .

  7. 三丁基锡(Tributyltin,TBT)被广泛用于杀虫剂,尤其是用作船舶、渔具等防污涂料中的有效成分。

    It is well known that tributyltin ( TBT ) has been widely used as a biocide , especially as a component in antifouling paints for ships and net cages in aquaculture .

  8. 由于Logistic模型AIC值较小,且是传统上运用最为广泛的选择性模型,因此作者认为可以作为张网渔具选择性模型。

    Because the AIC value of the Logistic model is relatively smaller than the other models and the model is the conventional model used in researches on selectivity of fishing gear , the Logistic model was defined as the selectivity model of stow net in our research .

  9. 依据《渔具分类、命名及代号》国家标准(GB5147-85),将合江江段的渔具分为8类8型7式,共10种。

    According to the national standard ( GB5147-85 ), the fishing gears in Hejiang section could be divided into eight categories , eight types and seven patterns .

  10. 本文采用大西洋国际金枪鱼保护委员会iccat的报告和统计常设委员会(scrs)数据库,统计分析了1978~2002年大西洋金枪鱼的渔获种类及渔具渔法。

    According to the report of iccat , this paper analyses the Atlantic Tuna Fisheries from1978to2002 , including the main species , the main kinds of fishing gears and catches in different areas in the Atlantic ocean , especially the reason for catch fluctuations .

  11. 选择性虾拖网渔具渔法研究

    Study on Structure and Fishing Method of Selective Shrimp Trawl Net

  12. 浙江北部近海损害乌贼资源的作业渔具分析

    Fishing gears damaging squids resources in northern part of Zhejiang sea

  13. 中型单拖网渔船拖力与渔具系统匹配的研究

    On matching towing power and gear system for medium stern trawler

  14. 他查看了渔船上携带的渔具。

    He looks at its fishing gear , as well .

  15. 我还是只要渔具润滑油。

    I 'm just going to take the reel oil .

  16. 情节严重,并可以没收渔具。

    In serious cases , his fishing gear may also be confiscated .

  17. 论渔具模型试验准则中的若干问题

    On Several Problem of Criterion in Fishing Gear Hydrodynamic Modeling

  18. 推动我国渔船渔具产业可持续发展探讨

    Improvement of the Sustainable Development of the Fisher and Fishery Instrument Industry

  19. 南海区海洋渔具发展的主要问题

    Main Problems for Development of Marine Fishing Gears in South China Sea

  20. 桁拖网渔具刚性栅栏对鱼类的分隔效率研究

    Fish separating efficiency of sorting grid rigged in beam trawls

  21. 套网法对张网渔具选择性的影响

    Influence of cover net method on stow net selectivity

  22. 我先帮您保管渔具吧?

    I 'll keep the fishing kit for you ?

  23. 秋刀鱼舷提网渔具设计的研究

    The Study on Designing Method of Stick - held Net for Cololabis saira

  24. 种群最小可捕标准和渔具最小尺寸;

    Lowest fishing standard of the population and lowest size of fishing gear .

  25. 同时提出确定渔具系统总阻力的方法。

    The method or determing total drag of gear system is also indicated .

  26. 光诱鱿鱼浮拖网渔具渔法试验

    Experiment of fishing gear and methods of light - pelagic trawl for squid

  27. 几何相似原理在过滤性渔具网目选择性研究中的应用

    Application of geometrical similarity principle on mesh selectivity research of filter fishing gear

  28. 在不同的季节,村上人用不同的渔具邀请它们。

    In different seasons , Murakami people inviting them to a different gear .

  29. 他在商店里买了些渔具。

    He bought some fishing tackle in the store .

  30. 关于渔具分类的研究

    A study on the classification of fishing gears