
  • 网络Family Conditions
  1. 家庭条件下的培养,生小根植物的种植

    Planting of the small root plants under the family conditions

  2. 此外要关注那些家庭条件困难的女生,全面落实各项资助政策,帮助贫困女大学生完成学业。

    In addition , pay attention to those girls with difficult family conditions , the full implementation of the subsidy policy to help poor female students .

  3. 你如何能充分利用自己的家庭条件?

    What can you do to optimize your family situation ?

  4. 父母的焦虑反映了他们的家庭条件。

    Parental anxieties reflect their circumstances .

  5. 之所以发生这一转变,是因为自2000年以来,政府实施了针对资助家庭条件困难儿童的的政策,同时还由于有很多贫穷的年轻人现在会留在学校参加A-level考试或决定上大学进修,所以他们会从教育资金中获益更久。

    The change is a consequence of policy since the early 2000s targeting money at disadvantaged children , and also because many poorer youngsters2 are now staying on for A-levels and university and so benefiting longer from education funding .

  6. 一项出自高等教育专家的研究报告称,家庭条件富裕的年轻人更有可能在一流大学的热门课程的入学名单上位居前列。

    Young people from rich families are still much more likely to get top places at top universities , says this report from higher education experts .

  7. 所以,当巴德学院(BardCollege)去年为梦想拿到学士学位的家庭条件不佳的学生在纽瓦克开设大学先修高中时,他确信自己能在那里表现出色。

    So last year , when Bard College opened an early college high school in Newark for disadvantaged students with dreams of a bachelor 's degree , he was sure he 'd do well there .

  8. 听说他家庭条件很好啊。

    I heard he 's from a good family .

  9. 学生要么整天上班,要么家庭条件不允许只读书不干活。

    The student is in full-time employment or has domestic circumstances which make full-time study impossible .

  10. 但是,对于那些家庭条件有限的人,比如杨维,经济上的不确定性反而加剧了高考竞争的激烈程度;

    But for those of limited means , like Yang , the economic uncertainty has only intensified the gaokao competition ;

  11. 另一方面,私立学校的管理很严格,而且在校学生通常来自家庭条件及修养都不错的家庭。

    Plus , these schools have stricter rules , such as dress code , and students come from a better family background .

  12. 加上韦斯顿先生脾气好,家庭条件又不错,等冬天一到,老朋友一星期聚会三四个晚上是不成问题的。

    Weston 's disposition and circumstances , which would make the approaching season no hindrance to their spending half the evenings in the week together .

  13. 认为现在有更多的人正不断调整自己的心态以适应变动中的家庭条件和环境,把家庭作为满足情感享受和精神需求的寓所。

    It finds that more individuals adjust themselves to the changing environment of family and regard family as a place satisfying their emotional and psychological needs .

  14. 产生自卑的原因有个人能力、生理缺陷、家庭条件、自我评价、专业选择和社会评价等方面。

    Self-abased mentality is caused by such factors as personal ability , physical defects , family conditions , self-assessment , choice of specialty and social evaluation .

  15. 当代女大学生由于家庭条件不同,她们之间存在着巨大的消费差异,这已经产生了一定的负面影响。

    Nowadays , because of the different family conditions of female college students , there are huge consumption differences , and it has brought some negative influences .

  16. 有证据表明,许多家庭条件好的迟钝的两岁孩子到上学后就超过了那些家庭条件差的聪明的孩子。

    There is evidence that , by the time they get to school , many dim two-year-olds from good homes have overtaken bright children from bad ones .

  17. 只有在媒人的介绍下,当父母认为两人家庭条件相似,并且可以匹配,结婚才会继续办理。

    Only after o matchmaker 's introduction and when parents considered the two family conditions were similar and could be matched , would the marriage procedures go forward .

  18. 各人往往会的出生地不同、家庭条件的不同、经历的不同,甚至教育程度的不同而在选择旅游地呈现出的不同。

    Different people might choose to visit different places due to their different places of birth , family conditions , relevant experiences , and even different levels of education .

  19. 耶伦在纽约一个工薪阶层社区长大,但她的家庭条件不错:她父亲是医生,工作地点就设在他们家所住的排屋一楼。

    Yellen grew up in a working-class area of New York but her family was well-provided for : her father was a doctor who worked from the ground floor of their terraced house .

  20. 第二,接近三分之一的英语教师认为家庭条件限制自身进行教学转变;社会对名师的评价有失偏颇,对教师尊敬程度不高。

    Secondly , nearly a third of the English teachers agree that Family conditions limit teachers ' teaching transformation . Social bias of teacher evaluation , do not have a certain high level of respect for teachers .

  21. 量表内容包括:经济状况与消费水平、家庭条件及设施、工作环境、健康状况、社会支持、闲暇生活、主观满意度等7个层面83个具体项目。

    There were 83 items in this form which were classified in 7 categories of income & consume , housing facility , job environment , health status , social support , casual life , and subjective satisfactions .

  22. 耶伦在纽约一个工薪阶层社区长大,但她的家庭条件不错:她父亲是医生,工作地点就设在他们家所住的排屋一楼。耶伦学业出众。

    Yellen grew up in a working-class area of New York but her family was well-provided for : her father was a doctor who worked from the ground floor of their terraced house . Academically , she excelled .

  23. 然后从社会变化的结果、家庭条件的影响、家长素质的制约和学校教育的不足四个方面探讨我国家庭教育问题产生的原因;

    Secondly , discussing the reasons of family education problems in China from four aspects such as the results of society change , influence of family condition , restriction of parents quality and the deficiency of school education ;

  24. 对中学生休闲教育的培养目标、策略,实施休闲教育的原则、途径和社会条件、学校条件、家庭条件作了初步探讨。

    The thesis gives a junior study to the aims , paradigms , principles and the conditions , methods in carrying out the education for leisure , including the social conditions , the schooling conditions , and the family conditions .

  25. 家庭条件好的青少年能有如此诚实、不骄不躁优秀品格,在中国大陆实属罕见,我不知道这应归功于良好的家庭教育还是特别的学校教育,或者是兼而有之。

    It is really rare in China that , a teenager with quite good family condition , have the character of so sincere and modesty , I do not know that this should be attributed to the good home education or is a special school education , or the both .

  26. 【结果】孕期工作环境、工作的紧张性、家庭经济条件、精神创伤、母亲的P维度分、母亲的N维度分对婴儿的气质类型有影响。

    The types of infant temperament were affected by working environment , working stress , the economic condition of family , mental damage during pregnancy , maternal P score and N score .

  27. 结果家庭经济条件好的群体在敢为性、外向性因素及心理健康因素上得分上明显高于家庭经济条件差者群体(P≤0.05,P≤0.01);

    Results The scores of factors such as social boldness , extroversion and mental health in the soldiers with better family financial situations was significantly higher than that in the soldiers with the worse situations ( P ≤ 0.05 or P ≤ 0.01 ) .

  28. ·Airbnb公司联合创始人布莱恩•切斯基向一户Airbnb的接待家庭无条件地道歉,因为据报道其公寓遭到损毁并被洗劫一空。

    Airbnb co-founder Brian Chesky issued an unconditional apology to an airbnb host whose apartment was reportedly trashed and robbed .

  29. 仍有太多家庭居住条件达不到标准。

    Too many families are still living in substandard housing .

  30. 一般来说,还是便宜了那些家庭经济条件好的子弟。

    Generally speaking , cheap still the children with those domestic economy good conditions .