
jiā shǐ
  • family history
家史 [jiā shǐ]
  • [family history] 家庭的历史

家史[jiā shǐ]
  1. 他试图发掘自己的家史。

    He tries to grub out his family history .

  2. 新闻记者采访了那位老人,核查了他的家史。

    The reporter interviewed the old man and checked out his family history .

  3. 汉学家史景迁(JonathanD.Spence)作为美国中国学界一位极具影响力与代表性的研究者,半个多世纪来所努力进行的正是这样一种对异质文化的认知工作。

    Jonathan D. Spence , as an influential and representative scholar in US Sinological field , has been working on the foreign cultural study for more than half a century .

  4. 这些家史类史书在中国学术发展史上具有重要价值。

    Lineage history has important value in the Chinese academic history .

  5. 有抑郁家史,尤其是近亲中

    Depression runs in your family , especially in close blood relatives

  6. 这个家族的家史披上了一层神秘的色彩。

    The history of the family is cloaked in mystery .

  7. 他的家史是以戏剧的形式来叙述的。

    His family story is told in the form of a play .

  8. 比阿特丽斯能把家史追溯到诺曼时代。

    Beatrice can trace her family back to Norman times .

  9. 其三,玄、儒之学对家史内容的渗透。

    Thirdly , Confucianism and Metaphysics infiltrated the content of lineage history .

  10. 他可以带着经久不衰的兴趣阅读他自己的家史。

    He could read his own history with an interest which never failed .

  11. 他们说有抑郁的家史。

    They talk about depression running in the family .

  12. 她很少说起她的家史。

    She said little of her family history .

  13. 朴槿惠表示,鉴于她的家史,她注定将成为一位政治家。

    Given her family history , Park says she was destined to become a politician .

  14. 这个故事会写进家史世代相传对吧?

    This story is going to be immortalized into family history , isn 't it ?

  15. 16世纪潮州士大夫的家族建构与家史重写&以翁万达的举丁翁氏家族为例

    The 16 ~ ( th ) Century Chaozhou Scholar-bureaucrats : Family Construction and History Reformulation

  16. 他有犯罪的家史。

    He had a criminal pedigree .

  17. 其二,阐释门阀制度对家史撰述的影响。

    Secondly , this part explains the influence of the ancestry system on the compilation of lineage history .

  18. 他正在研究家史,因此他把所有的时间都花在图书馆寻找参考资料。

    He 's studying his family history , so he spends all his time in the library , hunting up references .

  19. 我研究了许多富户的家史,发现他们隔代或上一代就是富户。

    I have studied a number of well-off family history and found that they cross-generation , or the older generation is well-off .

  20. 经典是怎样炼成的&京剧现代戏《红灯记》第五场痛说革命家史艺术分析

    How Are the Classics formed ? & Artistic Analysis of Act V of the Modern Beijing Opera The Story of the Red Lamp

  21. 他在论史学的范围,以及国史、史和家史价值的论述上,具有创新性意义。

    His views on the range of historiography and the value of national history , folk history and family history are of great innovating significance .

  22. 为了更好地证明上述观点,格拉德威尔还摆出了自己的家史,他的母亲出生在一个财力有限的牙买加人家,她获取了奖学金,从而有了到伦敦大学学习的机会。

    As evidence Gladwell brings to bear his own history , as the son of a Jamaican woman of limited means who won a scholarship to study at the University of London .

  23. 以明代嘉靖名臣翁万达的家族为例,对16世纪潮州士大夫仕进以后的家族建构,以及在建构过程中如何重写家史进行探讨。

    This paper is an exploration of the family construction of the 16 th century scholars after they became officials and how they reformulated their family history with the well-known minister Weng Wanda as the example .

  24. 透过英语这面英国文化的折射镜,人们可以了解到英国所特有的文化内容,如:大不列颠的家史、海岛大国的自然环境、不列颠民族的岛性以及英国古老的贵族体制。

    Through English which is the mirror of British culture , people can learn its unique culture , such as history of Great Britain , natural environment of the British Isles , " conservativeness " of the British nation , and age-old British aristocratic system .