
  • 网络trauma literature;traumatic literary
  1. 论寻根思潮对当代文学的隐形创伤文学思潮刍议&兼及中国现代文学思潮

    The Research about " Searching for Roots " Literature Making Invisible Trauma to Contemporary Literature Discussion on Literary Thoughts & and modern Chinese literary thoughts

  2. 父亲的死与生:丁玲的精神创伤与文学想象(1927-1948)

    Father s Death and Health : Ding Ling Energetic Wound and Literary Imagination ( 1927-1948 );

  3. 创伤记忆与文学治疗&从《奇异的插曲》看奥尼尔的悲剧创作

    Trauma and Literary Therapy & On Eugene O'Neill 's The Strange Interlude

  4. 他们走进创伤世界的方式决定了创伤内涵的文学构成。

    The ways they approach trauma determines their literary creations of traumatic contents .

  5. 第二章明确创伤的概念,创伤理论的发展,以及创伤理论同文学的关系。

    Chapter two introduces trauma theories , including the definitions of trauma and trauma theory , the historical development of trauma theory , and the relation between trauma and fiction .