
  • 网络creative motivation;creation motives
  1. 施蛰存历史小说创作动机论

    Creative Motivation of SHI Zhe-Cun 's Historical Story

  2. 浅谈无意识与文学的创作动机

    On Unconsciousness and Literary Creative Motivation

  3. 创作动机是表现作家的审美情感。

    The motive of literary creation shows the writer 's aesthetic sentiment .

  4. 创作动机与审美心理结构有着密切的关系。

    Inditing motives and tasting psychological structure are closely related .

  5. 唐传奇的创作动机初探

    Tentative Inquiry into the Creation Motives about Tang Dynasty Legends

  6. 苦闷:创作动机产生的内驱力

    Depression : Inner Drive for Literary and Artistic Creation

  7. 我们能够寻找相似的艺术类型或者创作动机吗?

    Could we look for similar styles or motives ?

  8. 从创作动机追寻鲁迅的创作风格

    Searching After LuXun 's Creative Style in the Light of His Creatives Motives

  9. 探讨了艺术创作者创作动机和形式语言之间的关系。

    Creators of creative art form of motivation and the relationship between languages .

  10. 可见,审美心理结构对创作动机起着决定作用。

    Thus , tasting psychological structure determines inditing motives .

  11. 赵树理创作动机与实践的背离

    ZHAO Shu-li 's Works Deviation from Creative Motivation

  12. 创作动机形态论

    On the forms of motives of literary creation

  13. 个体无意识和集体无意识为创作动机提供了巨大的心理能量。

    The individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness provide the creation intention with huge psychological energy .

  14. 论作者创作动机的树德建言说&兼论刘勰《文心雕龙》的创作动机

    On Writer 's Motives in Writing

  15. 创作动机论

    On the motive of literary creation

  16. 但这种创作动机,在小说中却极少得到体现。

    But this kind of creation motive , actually little extremely obtains in the novel manifests .

  17. 艺术观察与创作动机

    Artistic Observation and Inditing Incentives

  18. 论无意识与创作动机

    On Unconsciousness and Creation Intention

  19. 儒家理想的幻灭&从《桃花扇》结局看孔尚任的缺乏性创作动机

    The Disillusion of Confucian Ideal

  20. 在写作中生成不可感知&评塞缪尔·贝克特的小说创作动机

    Writing as the Approach to Imperceptible-Becoming & A Study of the Motivation of Samuel Beckett 's Novel Writing

  21. 弗洛伊德原欲升华说为文学创作动机论提供了新的视角。

    Freud 's theory of sublimation of original desire has provided a new perspective for the motivation of literature .

  22. 历史意识构成了《欲望如烟》内在的创作动机,而在作品中它只能让读者通过对历史的回忆。

    As far as I see , arts education is to be accomplished through the acknowledgement of historic consciousness .

  23. 创作动机与实践的背离,既使赵树理成为名动一时的风云作家,又造成了赵树理在今日的落寞与沉寂。

    The works deviation from creative motivation made him a well-known influential figure of those days and desolation nowadays as well .

  24. 创造性叛逆是翻译主体在某种明确的再创作动机驱使下完成的创造性翻译行为。

    Creative treason is a creative translation practice undertaken by a translator prompted by certain definite and clear motive of recreation .

  25. 她的创作动机喷涌着生命的原动力,其两面性的创作个性更独特而鲜明。

    She is driven by the force of life to write , and double-sidedness is one peculiar characteristic of her writing .

  26. 这其中的创作动机,运用现代心理学知识的解释,即作者内心深处生活本能意识和死亡本能意识的激荡。

    The motive of the novel , using the modern psychological analysis , is the instinct of life and the agita .

  27. 隋唐五代诗话反映了隋唐五代时期诗人的创作动机及诗歌的创作过程。

    Sui , Tang and Five dynasties poetry talks reflects the creation motive of poet and the creation process and poems in that period .

  28. 无意识与创作动机有着密切联系,个体无意识和集体无意识为创作动机提供了巨大的心理能量。

    There is a close relationship between unconsciousness and literary creative motivation . Individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness provide creative motivation with great psychology energy .

  29. 诗应该以孤独感等人生经验为创作动机与表达内容,展示富有特殊的审美韵味的个体生命体验。

    Poems should use human experience such as solitary feelings and so on as creative motive and expression contents to express individual life experience with special aesthetics .

  30. 只有审美客体刺激了主体,并被主体所吸纳、接受,并转化为主体的审美需求和心理动力时,才能产生创作动机。

    Only when the observers have accepted and absorbed the subjects and turn the subjects into aesthetic requirements and psychological motives can inditing incentives come into being .