
  1. 企业是创新链条的重要环节,是创新成果市场价值的主要体现者。

    An enterprise is a major innovative chain and embodies the innovative value in the market .

  2. 由此形成的稳定的渐进式创新链条,有助于运营、部件的供货以及供应链管理。

    A steady chain of incremental innovation enhances operations , the sourcing of parts and supply-chain management .

  3. 技术标准作为技术创新链条中的重要环节和当今各国高新技术产业竞争的制高点,对其主导权的争夺,其实质已发展成为国家之间对国际市场利益的分割。

    Tech-standard , as a critical element of technological innovation chain , occupies the commanding point in hi-tech industry in terms of competition . The competition boils down to the scramble among nations for dominance in industry and greater commercial interests .

  4. 创新是当今世界发展的动力,自然科学创新是创新链条的初环。

    Nowadays innovation is motivation of the development of the world and natural science innovation is the preliminary debut of the innovative chain .

  5. 企业技术创新能力的提高,必须以R&D投入为基础,这是创新链条上的一个关键环节。

    R & D investment must be the base of technological innovation capabilities . It is a key component of the innovation chain .