
  • 网络familial aggregation;family aggregation
  1. 湖沼地区日本血吸虫病家庭聚集性的研究

    Familial aggregation of patients infected with Schistosoma japonicum in marshland area

  2. 福建省肝炎病毒感染家庭聚集性研究

    A Study on Familial Aggregation of Hepatitis Virus Infection in Fujian Province

  3. 成都市献血员HCV感染的家庭聚集性研究

    Study on Familial Clustering of HCV Infection among Blood Donors in Chengdu

  4. 应用HBVdna阳性饮食服务人员的家庭聚集性探讨其传染性

    Application of familial clustering of HBV DNA positive to evaluate the infectivity of employees with HBV infection in public food services

  5. 家庭聚集性人感染高致病性禽流感病例的确认及其病原的HA基因特征分析

    Confirmation of human cases in family clusters infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus and analysis of the HA gene characteristics

  6. 结果利用负二项分布和二项分布进行拟合,所得统计学检验P值分别为0.2801和0.0007,表明该数据服从负二项分布、不服从二项分布。结论血吸虫病患病呈家庭聚集性。

    Results P values for fitting negative binomial distribution and binomial distribution are respectively 0.2801 and 0.0007 . Conclusion The infection of schistosomiasis japonica in Hubei province has a phenomenon of familial aggregation .

  7. 研究家庭聚集性常用的统计方法有二项分布、负二项分布和G检验等。

    The commonly used statistical methods for the researches on family clustering are the binomial distribution , the negative binomial distribution and the G examination and so on .

  8. 结论:TTV感染及复制与HCC家庭聚集性存在一定的相关关系,TTV的致肝癌作用值得进一步深入研究。

    Conclusion : The study results show that there is a relationship between TTV infection , replication and the clustering of HCC in families in the HCC endemic area in south of China , and worth further investigating .

  9. 农村居民幽门螺旋杆菌感染的家庭聚集性分析

    Analysis of family clustering of Helicobacter pylori infection in rural residents

  10. 结果:登革热发病有家庭聚集性;

    Results : dengue fever had the character of family gathering .

  11. 疾病家庭聚集性研究中对照的选择及其影响

    Selecting control groups for studies of familial aggregation and its influence

  12. 河南省6种人体寄生虫感染的家庭聚集性

    Family clustering of 6 species of human parasites in Henan Province

  13. 典型家庭聚集性严重急性呼吸综合征17例流行病学及临床特点分析

    Epidemiologic and clinical features of 17 typical family-clustered SARS cases

  14. 结论:晚期日本血吸虫病具有家庭聚集性。

    CONCLUSION : Family aggregation of advanced schistosomiasis does exist .

  15. 生姜产地幽门螺杆菌感染的家庭聚集性调查

    Intrafamilial clustering of Helicobacter pylori infection in ginger planting area

  16. 江苏省人体重要寄生虫感染家庭聚集性分析

    Analysis of family clustering on principal human parasitic infections in Jiangsu Province

  17. 血吸虫病化疗依从性的家庭聚集性研究

    The Family Cluster of Habitants ' Compliance to Chemotherapy of Schistosomiasis japonica

  18. Ⅱ型糖尿病的家庭聚集性研究

    A Study on Family Aggregation of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  19. 重庆市肠道寄生虫感染家庭聚集性分析

    Family collective analysis of intestinal parasitic infection in Chongqing City

  20. 湖北省日本血吸虫病家庭聚集性研究

    Research of familial aggregation of schistosomiasis japonica in Hubei Province

  21. 系统性红斑狼疮的家庭聚集性研究

    The Study on Familial Aggregation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  22. 一起家庭聚集性诺瓦克样病毒感染的调查

    Investigation on a family cluster of Norwalk-like virus infection

  23. 上海地区乙型肝炎家庭聚集性危险因素的流行病学调查

    Epidemic survey of familial clustering risk factors for hepatitis B in Shanghai area

  24. 儿童支气管哮喘家庭聚集性分析

    Preliminary studies on family aggregation of child bronchial asthma

  25. 山东省三个片区人体肠道寄生虫感染家庭聚集性分析

    Analysis on Clustering of Intestinal Parasitic Diseases in Families

  26. 几种健康相关行为的家庭聚集性研究

    Analysis on the health - related behavior in family

  27. 云南省旋毛虫病家庭聚集性分析

    Analysis on the households clustering of Trichinelliasis in Yunnan

  28. 土源性线虫感染家庭聚集性分析

    Analysis of soil-borne nemathelminth infections clustering in families

  29. 疾病的家庭聚集性

    The familial aggregation of diseases

  30. 青海省人体肠道蛔虫、鞭虫和蛲虫的家庭聚集性分析

    Family clustering analysis of human infections of Ascaris lumbricoides Enterobius vermicularis and Trichuris trichura in Qinghai Province