
  • 网络ileocecal region;ileocecus;ileocecum;ileocecal junction
  1. 结论60岁以上的老年患者为回盲部恶性肿瘤的主要人群,肿瘤类型主要为腺癌。

    Conclusion : Malignancies in ileocecal region are mainly found in people over 60 years old . The main histopathologic type was adenocarcinoma .

  2. 1例CT(增强)扫描见回盲部肠腔夹心饼样狭窄,肿块分叶界清,密度呈均匀中度增加,诊断回盲部恶性肿瘤。

    One patient who underwent CT enhanced scan presented ileocecal intraluminal " sandwich pancake like " stricture , clear lobulated mass and mid homogeneously increased density , finally , was diagnosed as malignant tumor in ileocecal region .

  3. 目的分析回盲部恶性淋巴瘤的CT表现。

    Objective To discuss CT features of ileocecum lymphoma .

  4. 回盲部恶性淋巴瘤的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Malignant Lymphoma of Ileocecum

  5. 回盲部肿块的临床及CT表现&附21例临床分析

    CLinical and CT Features of Ileocecal Mass

  6. 结论:胃肠双对比造影检查是回盲部疾病的首选检查手段,内镜、超声、CT和MRI是胃肠道造影的重要补充。

    Conclusion : Double contrast gastrointestinal study is the first choice for inspecting ileocecal diseases . Endoscopy , ultrasonography , CT and MRI are importantly supplementary examinations .

  7. 结果:阑尾粘液囊肿在CT上表现为右下腹部紧邻回盲部的大小不等囊性病灶,圆形、类圆形或长条状,部分病灶内可见线状分隔影。

    Results : The size of lesions was various in the lower right abdomen closely adjacent to the cecum , the cysts were round or oval or long marsupial in shape on CT scan .

  8. 结果IBS患者回肠末端、回盲部、升结肠MC明显增多(P0.01),乙状结肠MC无明显变化,IBS患者MC存在显著变异;

    Results The number of MCs in the terminal ileum , ileocecal junction , and ascending colon was significantly elevated in IBS ( P 0 . 01 ) , and MCs in IBS have prominent variations .

  9. C-IBS大鼠模型回盲部、结肠肌层中VIP表达的阳性面积、不透光率密度均明显增高(P<0.05);

    Immunoreactive area and opacity density of VIP immunoreactive tissues in the model group were all significantly higher than those in control group ( P < 0.05 );

  10. IBS患者回肠末端、回盲部、升结肠MC明显增多(P<0.01),且D-IBS和C-IBS组间也有明显差异(P<0.01),而乙状结肠MC在各组间均无明显变化。

    The number of MCs in the terminal ileum , ICJ , and the ascending colon was significantly elevated in IBS ( P < 0.01 ), and the MCs in IBS had great variations .

  11. 严格依照1,2,4,8,12,24,48,72168h时间点,依次对各组大鼠回盲部近端2cm处切取直径为1mm小肠组织圈。

    The tissue ring of small intestine 2 cm from the proximal of ileocecal junction of rats in the injury groups were cut off at 1,2,4,8,12,24,48,72 and 168 hours after injury , respectively .

  12. 研究提示回盲部肥大细胞及结肠粘膜中的生长抑素在IBS的病生机制中起有一定的作用,肥大细胞稳定剂或肥大细胞产物拮抗剂可能对IBS具有治疗作用。

    The outcomes suggest that the mast cells in ileocecal junction and SS in colonic mucosa may play some roles in pathogenesis and the mast cell stabilizers or the antagonists of mast cell products may have potential treatment effects on the IBS .

  13. 方法采用以往本研究小组建立的C-IBS大鼠模型,取模型组及正常对照组大鼠的回盲部、结肠标本,进行常规组织固定、包埋、切片。

    Methods The tissue specimens were obtained from the rats of control group and the C-IBS model , which was set up and reported by our group .

  14. 结果早期肠结核的病理特征是:回盲部粘膜充血、水肿或(和)糜烂;

    Result Hyperemia and edema of the ileocecal mucosa were found .

  15. 回盲部肠管局限性水肿或肠系膜增厚和大网膜包裹。

    Local ileocecal edema or mesenteric thickening and encysted greater omentum .

  16. 认识回盲部解剖在超声诊断急性阑尾炎中的价值

    Value of cognizing ileocecal anatomy in diagnosing acute appendicitis by ultrasonography

  17. 大剂量稀钡灌肠对回盲部的观察

    Observation of Ileocecal Junction using Diluted Barium Swallow in Large Dose

  18. 超声诊断回盲部肠癌伴急性阑尾炎发作1例

    Ultrasound diagnosis of ileum caecum cancer with acute appendicitis : one case

  19. 无痛组肠镜至回盲部率100%,高于对照组的98%。

    100 % enteroscope can reach the ileocecus in painless enteroscopy group .

  20. 带蒂回盲部移植在原位肛门重建术中的应用

    Use of pedunculated ileocecum transposition in anal reconstruction in situ

  21. 目的探讨回盲部肿块的诊断和治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate the diagnosis and the therapy of ileocecal tumor .

  22. 目的探讨回盲部憩室炎的诊断和手术方式的选择。

    Objective To investigate the diagnosis and surgical procedure selection of ileocecal diverticulitis .

  23. 肠道充盈法在回盲部结肠癌超声诊断中的辅助作用

    Assistant role of intestinal tract filling in ultrasonic diagnosis of ileocecal colon carcinomas

  24. 老年人回盲部肿瘤误诊为阑尾炎15例分析

    An Analysis of Elderly Ileocecal Junction Tumors Misdiagnosed as Appendicitis in 15 Cases

  25. 伤寒患者回盲部的B型超声显像

    B mode ultrasonic imaging of ileocecum in typhoid patients

  26. 回盲部和末端回肠常呈扩张面而不狭窄。

    The ileocecal valve and terminal ileum are usually dilated rather than stenosed .

  27. 内镜检查在回盲部溃疡诊断中的价值

    Significance of endoscopy in diagnosis of ileocecal ulceration

  28. 多发性回盲部结肠憩室1例报告

    One Case : Multiple Diverticulum of the Ileocecum

  29. 目的:评价影像学检查对回盲部疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of imaging examination in diagnosis of ileocecal diseases .

  30. 1例手术病理为回盲部炎症、肉芽组织增生误诊为结肠癌。

    One case with cecal inflammation and granulation tissues hyperplasia was misdiagnosed for colonic carcinoma by CT .