
huí jiāo
  • backcross;rotation cross
回交 [huí jiāo]
  • [backcross] 第一代杂种与一个亲本或与一个具有相同遗传组成的个体的交配

回交[huí jiāo]
  1. 玉米Rf3近等基因系的分子标记辅助回交选育与效益分析

    Molecular Marker-assisted Backcross Breeding of Maize Rf_3 NIL and Its Efficient Analysis

  2. 利用高代回交方法定位爆裂玉米膨化倍数QTL

    Mapping QTL of Popping Fold with Advanced Backcross Method in Popcorn

  3. 也可用雌性f1与隐性纯合雄性亲本回交。

    F1 females could be backcrossed to the male homozygous recessive parent .

  4. 转bar基因小麦的回交转育研究

    Transfer of herbicide resistant gene bar into cultivated wheat variety by backcrossing

  5. F1自交不孕,用大麦回交亦不结实。

    All hybrid plants were self-sterile and set no seeds when backcrossed with barley .

  6. 利用回交B1和B2及F2群体鉴定数量性状两对主基因+多基因混合遗传模型

    Identification of Two Major Genes Plus Polygenes Mixed Inheritance Model of Quantitative Traits in B_1 and B_2 , and F_2

  7. 利用回交或F(2∶3)家系世代鉴定数量性状主基因-多基因混合遗传模型

    Identification of Major Gene and Polygene Mixed Inheritance Model from Backcrosses or F_ ( 2:3 ) Families

  8. 该组合的亲和性在F2及回交世代中仍可表现。

    The compatibility of this cross was also present in the F_2 , and back cross generations .

  9. 小麦回交导入系的分子标记检测及QTL分析

    Molecular Identification and QTL Analysis of Wheat Backcrossing Introgression Lines

  10. 利用野生稻高代回交群体分析水稻农艺性状QTL

    Identification of Agronomic Traits QTL in Common Wild Rice Advanced Backcross Population

  11. 应用回交育种和QTL聚合改良粳稻抗旱性

    Improving Drought Tolerance of Japonica Rice by BC Breeding and QTL Pyramiding

  12. 水稻叶蝉抗性基因回交转育和CAPS标记辅助选择

    Green Rice Leafhopper Resistance Gene Transferring Through Backcrossing and CAPS Marker Assisted Selection

  13. 植物蒸腾耗水研究Bt转基因水稻在回交一代的抗虫性表现

    Performance of pest resistance of the Bt transgenic rice plant in its first backcross progeny

  14. 利用回交群体对小麦雌性不育基因的SSR标记

    The SSR Marker of the Female Sterile Gene in Wheat by Backcross Population Analysis

  15. 应用RAPD和ISSR分子标记构建茶树回交1代部分遗传图谱

    Genetic Mapping of First Generation of Backcross in Tea by RAPD and ISSR Markers

  16. 利用高代回交导入系定位稻米外观品质性状QTL

    QTL mapping for grain appearance quality traits of advanced backcrossing introgression lines in rice

  17. 通过测定回交后代Bar基因抗性植株的比例对分别位于B基因组和D基因组中的Bar基因进行安全评价。

    By testing the ratio of resistant plants in backcross population the safety assessment to Bar gene locating on B genome and on D genome was done .

  18. 转基因鲤鲫杂交(F1)回交三倍体子代红细胞大小与DNA含量测定

    The Measurements of RBC Size and DNA Content in the Backcross Triploidy Progenies of F 1 Hybrids Produced by Transgenic Common Carp and Transgenic Crucian Carp

  19. 回交的效应在小粒×大粒类型的组合中可以从B1F1持续到B3F1;

    The efficiency of backcross in combination of small / big grain continued from B_1F_1 to B_3F_1 ;

  20. 利用两个水稻回交群体构建图谱及7个农艺性状QTL分析

    Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and Analysis Seven Agronomic Characters with Two Backcross Population in Rice

  21. 列出了亲本及其F1、F2和回交世代的遗传分量表达式。

    Partitions of genetic components are listed for parent , F1 , F2 and backcrosses .

  22. 利用品质性状的回交选择导入系挖掘水稻抗纹枯病QTL

    QTL Mining for Sheath Blight Resistance Using the Backcross Selected Introgression Lines for Grain Quality in Rice

  23. 利用选择性回交向小麦品种中转移优质HMW-GS的方法研究

    Transfer of High Quality HMW-GS to Wheat Cultivars by Selective Backcross

  24. 采用田间接虫鉴定与室内PCR扩增,对玉米4个遗传背景,2个不同回交世代转基因材料进行了抗虫性鉴定。

    The identification of insect resistance has been made on the four backcross materials by inoculating insect eggs into leaf spindle in the field and indoor PCR .

  25. 为了鉴定表现型完全相同的AA与Aa,我们用纯合的隐性亲本aa来进行回交。

    To distinguish between the phenotypically identical AA and Aa , these can be backcrossed to the homozygous recessive parent aa .

  26. 测交F1与标雌株回交,B1正常株与标雄株的比例为1:1,没有发现具有标志性状又有雄花发育的植株。

    If F1 backcross with marked female line , the ratio of nomal plants and marked female line was 1:1 . In all experiment were not found plants with male flowers .

  27. 通过对回交家系赖氨酸分析和SSR分子标记检测结果,对该技术的可靠性进行了验证;

    The lysine content and the SSR profile of a back cross population was analyzed , and the reliability was proved .

  28. 利用AFLP标记辅助甘蓝显性雄性不育高代回交系选择

    Application of AFLP Markers in Assisted Selection of Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) Dominant Male Sterility High Generation Backcrosses

  29. 钠、钾、ATP酶对去甲肾上腺素泵回交感神经元灭活这神经递质也有责任。

    Na + , K + - ATPase may also be responsible for pumping norepinephrine back into the sympathetic neurons to inactivate this neurotransmitter .

  30. 用大粒品种回交,B3F1百粒重可以基本回复到轮回亲本的水平。

    Using the big grain variety for backcross , the grain weight of B_3F_1 can be recovered to the same level as this recurrent parent .