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  1. 第一章讨论家铉翁的生平、著述及其对《春秋》经性质、宗旨的认识。

    The Charter I discusses Jiaxuanweng 's life , works and his knowledge about character and purpose of Chunqiu .

  2. 结语部分对家铉翁《春秋集传详说》进行评价,讨论其在宋代及其后《春秋》学上的地位。

    The epilogue evaluates on Jiaxuanweng 's Chunqiu Jizhuan Xiangshuo , discusses its status of the learning of Chunqiu in the Song Dynasty and the later .

  3. 家铉翁对自强和复仇的阐述具有鲜明的时代特色,其间亦有他对于时政的看法。

    Jiaxianweng 's interpret about vengeance and self improvement has distinct character of his epoch , there are his views about current politics in the interpretation , too .