- 名deceased father

[deceased father;my late father] 先公。亡父
It 's three years since my father passed away .
All I ever wanted was to measure up to my father .
My father loved to build up Montaigne , where he was born .
Enough about our forefathers , let 's learn about some revolutionary women !
In1999 , my father died of cancer .
I have to avenge my dad now .
One day , my father happened to pick it up and read it .
And our Founding Fathers knew about this .
How did the American Founding Fathers assume the leaders would be men of virtue .
and on George Wickham , who was his god-son , his kindness was therefore liberally bestowed .
The farmer is laid under restraint by a promise he made his father , mever to sell the homestead .
Another painting put Ms. Park in a delivery room , having just given birth to a baby who resembles her late father .
He was austere and demanding , partly because of his personality , but partly because I was the eldest son of the family .
The elder Kettler suspects the ancient artifacts may have belonged to his late father , who traveled through North Africa during the 1950s .
I shall need , too , the favor of that Being in whose hands we are , who led our fathers , as Israel of old
But considering that my father also , at what time he led an army into the higher countries , appointed who should reign after him .
For my life , I was very much influenced by my late father who as many of you know was an outstanding personality of his time .
Most happy will it be for the country when the public mind shall be diverted from this question to other of more pressing and practical importance .
I shall need , too , the favor of that Being in whose hands we are , who led our fathers , as Israel of old ,
Although he never had a proper education , he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite " Three Hundred Tang Poems " .
I can express no better hope for my country than that the kind Providence which smiled upon our fathers may enable their children to preserve the blessing they have inherited .
tary promise of providing for me , I am convinced that he felt it to be as much a debt of gratitude to him , as of affection to myself . "
By her wise and virtuous conduct , she was at length made lady abbess of this convent How did the American Founding Fathers assume the leaders would be men of virtue .
Telegony is a theory in heredity , now discredited but widely believed until the late19th century , holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent ;
that he had then no reserves , no scruples in sinking Mr. Darcy 's character , though he had assured her that respect for the father would always prevent his exposing the son .
Darcy gave him a voluntary promise of providing for me , I am convinced that he felt it to be as much a debt of gratitude to him , as of affection to myself .
By the religious reading , Sima Qian fulfilled some part of his filial obligations when he honored his father 's dying wish to " continue our ancestors " by bringing together the tales they had gathered .
Gisele will strut into Rio 's Maracana stadium to the strains of the famous bossa nova jazz song , played on a piano by Brazilian musician Paolo Jobim , whose late father Antonio composed the worldwide hit in 1962 .
Learning that the Jews do not wish to adopt Greek customs , as it was the will of my father , but prefer their own way of life and ask that they be allowed to live according to their laws .
My father supported him at school , and afterwards at Cambridge ; most important assistance , as his own father , always poor from the extravagance of his wife , would have been unable to give him a gentleman 's education .