
  • 网络the Prophet Muhammad;Prophet Mohammed;prophet mohammad
  1. 英国一位激进的逊尼派(Sunni)神职人员则更进一步,称对先知穆罕默德形象的描绘是一种战争行为。

    A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further , describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war .

  2. 哥本哈根一个活动现场发生枪击事件,造成1人身亡、3名警察受伤。当时一名曾把先知穆罕默德(ProphetMohammed)描画为狗的有争议的丹麦漫画家正在事发地点发表演讲。

    One man has been killed and three police officers wounded in a shooting at an event in Copenhagen where a controversial Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog was speaking .

  3. 回教公元((以穆罕默德逃离麦加之公元622年为元年;参看Hegira))丹麦排名的下降与去年的先知穆罕默德漫画出版物有关。

    The drop is related to the publication of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in Denmark last year .

  4. 参加一些宗教课程并研读先知穆罕默德的传记。

    Attend religious lessons and study the biography of Prophet Muhammad .

  5. 此外,先知穆罕默德也禁止火刑。

    Also , the Prophet Muhammad has forbidden punishment with fire .

  6. 于尔兰邮报刊登了穆斯林先知穆罕默德的十二幅漫画。

    The Jyllands-Posten published twelve images of the prophet mohammad .

  7. 据先知穆罕默德说,这是安拉的话。

    It is the word of Allah as told to the prophet muhammad .

  8. 穆斯林认为,对先知穆罕默德的任何画像都是亵渎。

    Muslims consider any depiction of Mohammed blasphemous .

  9. 先知穆罕默德的言论范例

    Examples of the Prophet Muhammad 's Sayings

  10. 属于或关于阿拉伯先知穆罕默德的或他创立的宗教的。

    Of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the religion he founded .

  11. 获取知识是每个穆斯林义不容辞的义务,不分男女&先知穆罕默德。

    The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim , male and female & Prophet Muhammad .

  12. 2005年出版的一系列针对先知穆罕默德的讽刺漫画和接踵而来的威胁成为了这个国家的死穴。

    The shock-factor here was the2005 publication of a series of satirical cartoons of the prophet Muhammad and the threats that ensued .

  13. 她不仅深爱着先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之),而且也非常钦佩他是安拉的使者。

    She did not only love Prophet Mohamed ( PBUH ) deeply , but also greatly respected him as Allah 's Messenger .

  14. 但真主传达给人类的最终信息(重新确认的永恒信息)却降示给先知穆罕默德。

    But God 's final message to man , a reconfirmation of the eternal message , was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad .

  15. 讽刺先知穆罕默德(愿和平和祝福在他身上)的漫画就是这个事实的明显罪证。

    The offensive cartoons against Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) stand as an evident testament to this fact .

  16. 穆斯林认为自从《可兰经》,在14世纪展示给先知穆罕默德起,就保持了最原始的形式。

    So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad , 14 centuries ago .

  17. 真主支持其最后的先知穆罕默德有相当多的奇迹及证据证明他是真主所派来的真正先知。

    God supported His last Prophet Muhammad with many miracles and much evidence which proved that he is a true Prophet sent by God .

  18. 自丹麦一家报纸首先刊登讽刺先知穆罕默德的漫画、引起穆斯林的愤怒以来,已经过去了近10年。

    Nearly a decade has passed since a Danish newspaper first attracted the ire of Muslims by publishing cartoons that lampooned the Prophet Mohammed .

  19. 它也描述了他的口才雄辩,这些描述也与先知穆罕默德的特征相吻合,他确实是一个雄辩的演讲家。

    It also describes him as eloquent , and that description really fits Prophet Muhammad as he was very eloquent in his sayings and speeches .

  20. 侯赛因圣祠供奉着侯赛因阿訇,是先知穆罕默德的孙子,在七世纪卡尔巴拉战斗中被杀死的。

    The Imam Hussein shrine honors Hussein , the Prophet Mohammed 's grandson , who was killed in a battle in Karbala in the seventh century .

  21. 有个男人来见先知穆罕默德并对他说:“真主的使者啊!最值得我诚心陪伴的人是谁呢?”

    A man came to the Prophet Muhammad and said ," o messenger of god ! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship ?"

  22. 它由穆罕默德记诵,再对他的追随者口述。他们依次记诵并写下它,再与先知穆罕默德一起校阅。

    It was memorized by Muhammad , who then dictated it to his Companions . They , in turn , memorized it , wrote it down , and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad .

  23. 这是大卫的王城(1000年),是耶稣最后钉死于十字架的地方,先知穆罕默德认为这里是人们通往天堂的地方。

    It 's the city of king david ( 1,000 b.c. ), the place of christ 's last ministry and crucifixion , and the site where the prophet mohammad is believed to have ascended to heaven .

  24. 伊玛目艾哈迈德用一系列可信的叙述转述说,先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之)画了四条线,并对他的弟子们说“你们知道这些是什么吗?”

    Imam Ahmad reported with an authentic chain of narration that the Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) drew four lines and said to the Companions ," Do you know what these are ?"

  25. 先知穆罕默德(愿仁主赐福之)说,“安拉的仆人在害病或旅行时所行的善功,真主给他记下并赐予同健康时或居家时所行的善功同样的报酬。”

    Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) said ," When a slave falls ill or travels , then he will get reward similar to that he gets for good deeds practiced at home when in good health . "

  26. 同样的,先知穆罕默德(平安和祝福归于他)描述了三个人,他们晚上住在了一个山洞里,早上起来发现有一块大石头堵住了洞口。

    Likewise , Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) described three people who took shelter in a cave at night and in the morning they saw a big stone that blocked the mouth of the cave .

  27. 他说:据说先知穆罕默德曾说过,女人头发性感地撩拨着男人,尽管他承认现代的科技可能无法证明这种说法,但(他同时又说道)这是一位只说真理的人说的。

    It is said that the Prophet Mohammad stated that women 's hair sexually arouses men , he said , conceded that perhaps modern science has not proven this but it was said by somebody who only speaks the truth .

  28. 回教教接受基督是一个先知但是认为穆罕默德更伟大。

    Muslims accept Christ as a prophet but regard the Prophet Mohammed more important .