
  • 网络said;Saeed;Sayed;Edward Said;Sayid
  1. 研究集团MSCI表示,在富时100指数(FTSE100)成分股公司中,仅有一家公司里有一个人身兼CEO和董事长两职——HikmaPharmaceuticals的赛义德.达尔瓦扎(SaidDarwazah)。

    Only one company in the FTSE 100 - Hikma Pharmaceuticals - has one person , Said Darwazah , sharing the chief executive and chairman roles , says research group MSCI .

  2. 但是,赛义德其人其论作为一种现象,学术界对其关注者并不多见。

    However , few scholars pay attention to Said as a phenomenon .

  3. 但在今年秋天,事情变得更加有趣:9月2日,英国航空公司(BritishAirways)乘客赛义德?哈桑斥资大约1000美元,购买了几条“推广消息”,猛烈抨击这家航空公司弄丢了他的行李。

    But this fall , things got even more interesting : On Sept. 2 , British Airways passenger Hasan Syed spent an estimated $ 1000 to purchase several promoted Tweets blasting the company for losing luggage .

  4. 此案所涉的这部手机曾被赛义德•里兹万•法鲁克(SyedRizwanFarook)使用。去年12月,他与妻子塔什费恩•马利克(TashfeenMalik)在加州圣贝纳迪诺杀害了14个人。

    The device in question was used by Syed Rizwan Farook , who along with his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California , last December .

  5. 苹果一直是科技行业保护消费者不受政府监视的权利的最知名捍卫者,该公司拒绝帮助FBI解锁赛义德•法鲁克(SyedFarook)的iPhone,法鲁克和他的妻子去年实施了圣贝纳迪诺枪击案。

    Apple has been the most prominent defender of the tech industry 's right to protect consumers from government snooping , refusing to aid the FBI with accessing an iPhone belonging to Syed Farook , who with his wife committed the San Bernardino shooting last year .

  6. 据两名知情人士透露,有Cellebrite的员工在私人论坛上宣称成功破解了赛义德•里兹万•法鲁克(SyedRizwanFarook)的手机。Cellebrite是一家以色列手机取证企业,以前就为FBI提供过服务。

    Staff at Cellebrite , an Israeli mobile forensics company known to have worked for the FBI , have claimed credit in private forums for breaking into Syed Rizwan Farook 's phone , according to two people familiar with the matter .

  7. 赛义德阿里波兰苏珊,渔获量在与奥地利Kuenz马丁娜在女子70公斤级在奥运会摔跤青年周一,2010年8月16日自由泳比赛她的呼吸。

    Saeed Ali Suzan of Poland , catches her breath after a match with Martina Kuenz of Austria during the women's70-kilogram freestyle wrestling at the Youth Olympics on Monday , Aug.16,2010 .

  8. 今年9月,赛义德的父亲赛义德江·库雷希(SaeedJanQureshi)因心力衰竭去世。赛义德说,他父亲一定会感到很喜悦:他从前总是将偷书的孩子视作对未来的投资,相信他们长大后依然热爱读书,会成为他的顾客。

    Saeed said his father , Saeed Jan Qureshi , who died of heart failure in September , would have been amused : He had always regarded book theft by children as an investment in a future where people still read , and thus become his customers .

  9. 赛义德坐在努斯旁边,警告努斯保持安静。

    Saeed sat beside him and warned Nuss to stay calm .

  10. 第二部分概述了赛义德的东方主义理论。

    The second chapter is a survey of the theory of Orientalism .

  11. 赛义德后殖民文化理论透析

    Exploring and Analyzing Post-colonialist Cultural Theory of Edward W. Said

  12. 这就是福柯晚年的核心理论,我之前也提到过的,就是在讲赛义德的时候。

    This is absolutely the central idea in late Foucault .

  13. 赛义德的文本理论与批评意识

    On Said 's Theory of Text and Critical Consciousness

  14. 赛义德这里讨论的是权力/知识。

    Said is talking here about power / knowledge .

  15. 破旧尚需立新解构还当建构&评赛义德的后殖民文化反抗策略

    On Said 's Tactics in Postcolonial Cultural Resistance

  16. 共谋:文化与帝国主义&赛义德《文化与帝国主义》解读

    Collusion : Culture and Imperialism & A Reading of Said 's Culture and Imperialism

  17. 论赛义德的民族文化观

    Comment on Said 's View of National Culture

  18. 努斯告诉警察他听赛义德说过他们还绑架了其他三名英国游客。

    He told police that Saeed had said they also were holding three British tourists .

  19. 赛义德和赛义德东方主义的共谋

    Conspiring of E.W.Said and Said 's Orientalism

  20. 文明冲突与戏剧冲突&兼评亨廷顿和赛义德的文化理论

    Clash of Civilizations and Conflicts on Stage

  21. 巴巴继承并超越了赛义德在《东方主义》中开创的殖民话语分析。

    Bhabha continues and goes beyond the colonial discourse analysis initiated by Said in Orientalism .

  22. 解构东方主义的二元对立模式&赛义德的《东方主义》

    A Deconstruction of the Binary Oppositional Pattern of Orientalism & On Said s Orientalism ;

  23. 赛义德表示,对他父亲来说,书不仅仅是一门生意。

    For his father , books were more than just a business , Saeed said .

  24. 赛义德现象研究

    A Study of the Said Phenomenon

  25. 赛义德为区分真理和价值,这两个概念煞费苦心。

    Said is at pains to make a distinction , therefore , between truth and value .

  26. 在这几个方面,赛义德分别借鉴了福柯和德里达的有关理论。

    For these theoretical contributions , Foucault and Derrida are believed to be Said 's inspirations .

  27. 东方主义是建立赛义德民族文化观的一块基石。

    Orientalism is a foundation stone of setting up the view of national culture of Said .

  28. 赛义德矛盾的人格、混杂的身份、作为知识分子所进行的政治活动等等同样引起了广泛的关注和热烈的争鸣。

    His paradoxical personality , hybrid identity and political activities also invite extensive interest and fierce contentions .

  29. 换言之,如果用赛义德的话说,哈斯丁斯非常了解这个东方的他者。

    Hastings , in other words , in Saidian terms knew a great deal about the Orientalized other .

  30. 东方主义作为权力传播的方式,它的影响,是赛义德关注的终极问题。

    So as a circulation of power , the effect of Orientalism is something that ultimately concerns Said .