
sài mǎ chǎnɡ
  • Racetrack;race course/ ground
赛马场 [sài mǎ chǎng]
  • [racecourse] 供赛马用的筑有障碍赛或越野赛灰炭跑道的比赛场地

  1. 赛马场的地面稍偏硬。

    The going is good to firm .

  2. 这将会证明是赛马场和整个赛马业迫切需要的激励。

    This will prove a much-needed fillip to racecourses and the racing industry in general .

  3. 马蹄上套了皮套子,以免弄脏赛马场。

    Leather overshoes were put on the horses ' hooves to stop them marking the turf

  4. 尽管赛马场的跑道很糟糕,所有的马都跑完了全程。

    Until the end of a contest even though the race course was in very bad conditions , all the horses went the distance .

  5. 那些干事将检视赛马场看是否适宜比赛。

    The stewards will inspect the course to see if racing is possible .

  6. 可调的AMG运动悬挂,优化到赛马场,允许令人印象深刻的转弯速度。

    The AMG adjustable sports suspension , optimised for the racetrack , allows impressive cornering speeds .

  7. 然后,从项目管理的角度,对温江赛马场项目及存在的问题进行SWOT分析,提出了自己的改进建议。

    Then , from the perspective of project management , the author carried out SWOT analysis on the Wenjiang Racecourse project and existing problems , and put forward suggestions for improvement .

  8. 你去赛马场赌一下吗?

    Are you going to lay a bet on the derby ?

  9. 韩佳,这里不会是赛马场吧。

    Han Jia , it can 't be the racecourse here .

  10. 他从不会和赛马场的人说话。

    He didn 't even talk to anybody at the track .

  11. 在赛马场(复式马券投注),斯塔基先生赢得了全盘胜利。

    Mr. Stuckey won across-the-board at the horse races .

  12. 从前这儿有个赛马场。

    In former days there was a racecourse here .

  13. 我们在赛马场度周末。

    We got to spend the rest of the weekend at the track .

  14. 所以赛马场就是拉丁语中的马戏表演场。

    So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin .

  15. 赌场和赛马场必须持有足够的资本,确保能够支付赌客所赢的钱。

    Casinos and racetracks are required to hold enough funds to ensure payouts .

  16. 他在赛马场上很有名气。

    His name is well-known on the turf .

  17. 弯曲的赛马场的里面的圈。

    The inner side of a curved racecourse .

  18. 他独自在赛马场工作。

    That he worked at the track alone .

  19. 1863年开业的赛马场也具有超强的吸引力。

    The race course , which opened in 1863 , became a huge draw .

  20. 马主第一次可以在赛马场检验他们的马驹。

    Owners can try out their youngsters for the first time on a race course .

  21. 于是毛利、兰和柯南来到赛马场,找到了健三。

    Mouri , Ran and Conan went to the race track immediately and found Kenzo .

  22. 赛马场的厕所附近闲逛。

    The toiiets at a pubiic racecourse .

  23. 在赛马场和别人争吵吗?

    With someone at the track ?

  24. 在那边的是赛马场吗?

    Is that Auteuil over there ?

  25. 我跟着他到过垃圾场,当铺,还有赛马场。

    I followed him from the junk yard to the pawn shop to the race track .

  26. 头等的骑手正在赛马场赛马。那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。

    Top drivers are racing at the race course . The horse paced around the ring .

  27. 我们在赛马场见面。

    We met at the racetrack .

  28. 母亲常常在下午四五点钟下班回家,除了赛马场开放的时候。

    Mother usually got home by four or five , except when the racetrack was open .

  29. 我们去赛马场,在那里和我的妻子和女儿碰头。

    We went to the races and met up with my wife and my daughter there .

  30. 就连詹姆斯?邦德在《007系列之永远的钻石》里也曾在赛马场赛道上投下赌注。

    Even James Bond placed a flutter at the Saratoga track in " Diamonds are Forever . "