
  • 网络Optical Cross Connection;OXC;oxcs;PXC
  1. 现有的多粒度光交换连接把不需要交换的波带/波长连接到光交叉连接中,造成了光交叉连接的端口的浪费。

    Many wavebands and wavelength that do not need to be switched are connected to OXC in the current MG-OXC . This wastes many ports of MG-OXC .

  2. 光开关可实现在全光层的路由选择、波长选择、光交叉连接以及自愈保护等功能。

    It is used in routing switch wavelength choice optical cross connection natural repair protection and so on .

  3. 用于ASON中的光交叉连接设备

    Optical Cross-Connect Devices in ASON

  4. 提出了一种新型多粒度光交叉连接(MG-OXC)的体系结构,它可以完成光纤、波带、波长的交换,以及不同粒度业务的上下话路。

    A kind of novel multi-granularity OXC architecture is proposed , which can be used to fiber switching , waveband switching and wavelength switching .

  5. 光交叉连接设备(OXC)作为全光网络中的核心路由设备,除了完成基本的光信号交换外,还作为光通道管理器,对光网络提供配置调度,实现保护倒换和恢复等重要功能。

    As a core routing equipment in Optical network , the Optical Cross-Connect ( OXC ) plays important roles in optical network configuration and management except for its basic function of optical routing .

  6. 相对于单播光交叉连接(OpticalCross-Connects,OXCs),组播光交叉连接不仅要完成光端口之间的光路连接的交叉还要实现光信号的复制。

    In comparison with the unicast optical cross-connects ( OXCs ), a multicast-capable optical cross-connect ( MC-OXC ) needs not only to implement signal copying but also to implement switching these copies to their output ports .

  7. 在全光网络系统中,光交叉连接设备(OXC)与光分叉复用设备(OADM)是其重要组成部分,而光开关与光开关阵列又是OXC与OADM的核心器件。

    The optical switches and optical switch arrays are the key devices in the optical cross-connect equipments ( OXC ) and optical add and drop multiplexing equipments ( OADM ) , which are the important components in the all-optical network .

  8. 全光交换是光纤通信网的发展方向,光交叉连接(OXC)是全光网的核心,光开关作为OXC的关键器件,是当前光通信领域的研究热点。

    The direction of future optical-fiber network is all-optical network . OXC is the core of the all-optical network . So as the key device of OXC , optical switch will be the hotspot to be researched in current optical network area .

  9. 光交叉连接结构是光网络节点的关键结构。

    Optical cross connect ( OXC ) is key architecture of optical switching .

  10. 光交叉连接中空分光开关阵列的研制

    Development of the optical switch matrix in OXC

  11. 光交叉连接结构的分类和推演

    Classification and derivation of optical cross connect architectures

  12. 全光传送网的光交叉连接节点的结构分析

    Research of OTN 's Optical Cross-connect Architecture

  13. 光交叉连接节点的功能结构

    Functional architectures for optical cross connect nodes

  14. 智能多粒度光交叉连接节点的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Multi-granularity OXC

  15. 全光网中的光交叉连接技术

    OXC in All - optical Network

  16. 最后介绍了多粒度光交叉连接设备网络的波长绑定和路由算法的研究进展及发展趋势。

    The evultion and trend of waveband and routing algorithm research are introduced in the last part .

  17. 同时介绍了由三个真实多粒度光交叉连接节点与若干虚拟光节点所组成的智能多粒度光网络试验平台的设计与实现。

    The multi-granularity optical network simulation platform including three physical MG-OXC and several virtual optical nodes is designed and implemented .

  18. 分析了多粒度光交叉连接设备相对常规光交叉连接设备的优点,以及对自动交换光网络中控制平面的功能支持。

    The advantage of MG-OXC comparing to the ordinary OXC is introduced . It 's ability to support the control plane of ASON is also introduced .

  19. 多粒度光交叉连接能够提供光纤、波带和波长三种粒度的光交换,这一机制能有效提高交换性能,同时通过交换端口数的减少来降低光交换的成本。

    E. fiber , waveband and wavelength . This mechanism can effectively improve the switching performance , and also decrease the cost of optical switching by reducing the switching port .

  20. 该器件主要用于光交叉连接和光路信号上下载中,实验和测量结果表明具有插损低、可靠性好的特点,应用前景极其广泛。

    It is mainly used in optic cross connection ( OXC ) and the add / drop of optic signals . The experimental and measuring results show that the device will find more applications for its low loss and good reliability .

  21. 生存光传输网络的交叉连接模块结构

    Modular Structure of OXC in Survivable Optical Transport Network

  22. 基于SOA光开关矩阵的光交叉连接的研究

    Investigation of OXC Based on SOA Optical Switch Matrix

  23. 在WDM光网络中,光交叉连接(OXC)节点的串扰是限制网络规模的关键因素。

    The crosstalk of OXC is one of the most important factors which restrict the scale of WDM optical network .

  24. 串扰是波分复用(WDM)光网络中限制光交叉连接(OXC)节点容量的一个重要因素。

    The crosstalk is an important limiting factor in optical wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) networks with optical cross connect ( OXC ) nodes .

  25. 结果表明基于扩展贝奈斯光交换结构的光交叉连接可以完全消除低于二阶的各类串扰,同时,若将可调谐的窄带滤波器引入到结构2中可以消除低于三阶的各类串扰。

    Results show that first-order crosstalk can be removed in the three optical cross - connect ( OXC ) nodes and the second-order crosstalk can be eliminated with narrow-band tunable optical filter introduced in the second scheme .

  26. AON的关键技术主要包括光交换/光路由、光交叉连接、波长变换以及光缓存等。

    The key techniques of AON include optical switching / routing , Optical Cross Connecting ( OXC ), All Optical Wavelength Conversion ( AOWC ) and all optical buffering , et al .

  27. 光传送网的核心&光交叉连接

    OTN Core Optical Cross Connect

  28. 未来基于光分插复用(OADM)和光交叉连接(OXC)的全光网需要能满足其高速交换需要的光开关单元及其阵列。

    All-Optic-Network based on OXC and OADM needs high-speed optical switch to realize photonic switching .

  29. 讨论了全光网络的四种关键技术,包括光分插复用器(OADM)、光交叉连接设备(OXC)、高速路由器和全光路由;

    Four key technologies of all-optical network , include optical add / drop multiplexing ( OADM ), optical cross connect ( OXC ), high-speed router and all-optical route , are discussed .

  30. 它主要用于光网络的光交叉(OXC)节点系统中,用来实现全光层次的路由选择、波长选择、光交叉连接等功能。

    Optical switch is chiefly used in OXC ( Optical Cross Connection ) system in optical network . It can fulfill many functions such as routing , selecting optical wavelength and OXC etc.