
  • 网络Late pregnancy;Third trimester;Last trimester
  1. 孕妇血清维生素E水平随妊娠进展明显上升,叶酸水平则下降,在孕晚期尤为明显;

    With the development of gestation there were a remarkable rise in serum vitamin E level and decrease in serum folacin level , which was extremely obvious in the third trimester .

  2. 孕晚期高分辨率超声检测妊娠期高血压疾病血管内皮功能的研究

    Ultrasonographic detection on vascular endothelial function in patients with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in the third trimester

  3. 宫内感染率随孕晚期母血HBVdna含量增加呈增高趋势。

    The intrauterine infection rate seemed to increase , as the HBV DNA level in the peripheral blood increased during the last trimester of pregnancy .

  4. 结论HBV宫内感染可发生在孕期的各个阶段,但主要的发生时间是孕晚期。

    CONCLUSION The intrauterine infection may occur during various periods of pregnancy , but the main timing is possibly at the late gestation .

  5. 孕晚期注射乙肝免疫球蛋白阻断乙肝病毒宫内感染的Meta分析

    Meta-analysis on the effect of hepatitis B immunoglobulin on blocking intrauterine infection of HBV during the third-trimester

  6. 拉米夫定孕晚期阻断HBsAg阳性孕妇垂直传播疗效的Meta分析

    Meta-analysis on the effect of lamivudine in late pregnancy to block HBV vertical transmission for HBsAg positive pregnancy women

  7. 目的探讨经会阴超声(TPS)对孕晚期前置胎盘的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the value of transperineal sonography ( TPS ) in the diagnosis of placenta previa of late pregnancy .

  8. 方法:59例妊娠期高血压疾病患者,选择正常非妊娠妇女22例及正常孕晚期妇女35例作为对照组,检测血浆中FN、Cr、BUN及尿蛋白水平进行统计分析。

    Methods : FN 、 Cr 、 BUN and proteinuria were examined in 35 normal late-pregnancy women 、 22 non-pregnancy women and 59 patients with gestational hypertensive .

  9. 孕晚期注射HBIG能降低乙肝病毒携带孕妇体内的病毒复制量。

    HBIG injection during third trimester can reduce the maternal HBV-DNA replication in vivo volume . 5 .

  10. 农村组和城市组孕晚期孕妇贫血患病率分别为46.15%和28.92%,用微营养素干预后,孕晚期贫血患病率显著改善(P0.05)。

    The incidence of anemia of pregnant women in rural and urban area were 46.15 % and 28.92 % , respectively . After micro-nutrients intervention , the anemia ratio was improved obviously ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 孕晚期联合使用HBIG、乙肝疫苗(HB-Vac)和左旋咪唑涂布剂联合两者治疗;

    Symphysial immunization with HBIG HB-Vac or levamisole liniment during late pregnancy ;

  12. 结论:孕妇于孕晚期联合应用HBIG和乙肝疫苗进行主、被动免疫,可有效地阻断乙型肝炎病毒母婴传播,降低婴儿HBV感染率。

    Conclusion : Th e Combined application of HBIG and HBV vaccine to pregnant women may effectively prevent the infection of hepatitis B virus from the mother to infant .

  13. 方法:用电镜观察孕晚期接受不同剂量苯甲酸雌二醇(EB)的清洁级孕鼠孕足月和分娩1周后肝细胞超微结构变化;

    Methods : The ultrastructure of hepatocytes in pregnant rats induced by different concentrations of estradiol benzoas ( EB ) was observed before and after one week of parturition .

  14. 乙型肝炎病毒感染孕妇孕晚期HBIG宫内阻断失败相关因素分析

    Analysis of correlation factors of intrauterine interruption failure for HBV infected pregnant women using HBIG during in the last trimester of pregnancy

  15. 结论宫内感染的发生率与孕妇血清HBV-DNA含量相关,孕晚期高病毒血症(>108cp/ml)与宫内感染显著相关;

    Conclusion : Incidence of intrauterine HBV infection is correlated to serous HBV-DNA level and highly correlated to viremia in advanced stage pregnant ( > 108 cp / ml ) .

  16. 方法用日本产原子吸收光度仪(J800)测定816名孕晚期孕妇头发中Zn、Cu、Fe三种微量元素的含量,并对所有新生儿进行体重、身长的测量及Apgar评分。

    Methods The content of Zn , Fe , and Cu in hair of 816 pregnant women were determined by atom absorbing spectrum , and the body weight and height of their newborn babies were measured and Apgar Grade was evaluated .

  17. 目的了解孕妇孕晚期(29W)至产后2h内焦虑症状变化情况,探讨有效的心理支持措施。

    Objective To study the variation of anxiety state of pregnant women from late trimester ( 29 W ) to 2 hours after delivery in an effort to figure out the effective mental intervention for them .

  18. 孕晚期应用1,2次或3次HBIG的新生儿各月龄HBsAg阳性率及HRsAb阳转率无显著差异;

    The infants from mothers who received 1 - 2 or 3 dose of HBIG , the positive rate of HBsAg and the rate of HBsAg negative conversion at different ages had not significantly different .

  19. 结论IGF-1、CP能促进孕晚期胎儿宫内生长,而IGFBP-1则对胎儿生长起抑制作用。

    Gestational age was positively correlated with IGF - 1 and CP levels and negatively with IGFBP - 1 . Conclusion IGF - 1 and CP might stimulate fetal growth in late pregnancy , but IGFBP - 1 may play an inverse role .

  20. 人细小病毒B19感染与孕晚期死胎的关系结论:预防妊娠并发症,加强高危妊娠管理,加强胎儿监护,对降低妊娠晚期死胎发病率有重要意义。

    Relationship between human parvovirus B19 infection and stillborn fetus in later pregnancy Conclusion : Improving the management of high risk pregnancy and the monitor of fetus to prevent pregnant complications have great significance for decreasing the dead rate of late pregnancy period fetus .

  21. 孕晚期心身健康问题调查

    A Survey of Physical and Psychological Healthy Problems in Later Pregnancy

  22. 孕晚期急性胰腺炎的临床处理

    The Clinical Management of Acute Pancreatitis in Third Trimester of Pregnancy

  23. 孕晚期血清谷丙转氨酶升高174例临床分析

    Analysis of 174 cases with elevated SGPT during late pregnancy

  24. 孕晚期控制新生儿出生体重的临床探讨

    Clinical observation of late trimester of pregnancy controlled birth weight

  25. 结论正常妊娠母体孕晚期舒张功能轻度减低。

    Conclusions In later pregnancy , left cardiovascular diastole function slightly decreases .

  26. 孕晚期维生素营养状况与胎儿宫内生长迟缓的病例对照研究

    Case-control Study on Intrauterine Growth Retardation and Vitamin Nutritional Status in Late Pregnancy

  27. 孕晚期妇女热能需要量的研究

    Energy expenditure in the late stage of pregnancy

  28. 孕晚期贫血影响因素的多变量分析

    The multi-variables analysis of influencing factors to the women 's anemia in late pregnancy

  29. 多模式超声诊断孕晚期羊水过少的准确率及其对围产预后的判断价值

    Value of multi-mode ultrasonography in diagnosis of oligohydramnios and in prediction of neonatal outcomes

  30. 妊娠合并抗磷脂综合征治疗后,Ⅻa因子依赖的纤溶激活受损在孕晚期并发症发生中的作用

    Impaired factor XIIa-dependent activation of fibrinolysis in treated antiphospholipid syndrome gestations developing late-preg-nancy complications