
  • 网络gravid proglottid;Gravid proglottids;gravid proglottides
  1. 方法肉眼观察虫体,镜下观察头节和孕节形态。

    Morphology of the scoleces and gravid proglottids was observed under microscope .

  2. 猪带绦虫孕节内虫卵数量的观察

    Study on number of eggs in gravid proglottids of Taenia solium

  3. 在实验室条件下,给幼犬吞食一定量的原头蚴和含生发层的包囊,经51~109天可在犬粪便中查出孕节或在小肠里检出成虫,感染成功率为77.3%。

    Under laboratory conditions , after the dog ate a certain amount of Protoscolexes and capsules with germinal layers , gravid segment could be found in dog 's excrements and the mature worms identified in 51 ~ 109 days , the rate of infection 77.3 % .