
  1. 商务部在发布的《2005跨国公司在中国报告》中指出,改革开放以来跨国公司来华FDI大量增加而中国技术水平提升速度则显得相当缓慢。

    The commerce department of China issued " the TNCs in China report 2005 ", which indicated that FDI in China increased significantly while the technology developed slowly .

  2. 2014年中国报告煤炭产量下降,曾让绿色和平(Greenpeace)等许多环保主义者感到振奋,令人期待中国的排放量或许能够早于官方提出的目标——2030年之前见顶回落。

    A reported drop in China 's coal output in 2014 has cheered environmentalists , including Greenpeace , and raised hopes that the country 's emissions might peak and begin to decline before the official target of 2030 .

  3. 真正寻找自己的现代之路&从历史平台对中国报告文学写作的回望

    Looking for the modern road & Introspection to the Chinese reportage

  4. 根据中国报告,18名病人病危。

    As reported by China , 18 patients are critically ill .

  5. 中国报告文学,是近代文化转型的特殊产物。

    Chinese reportage is a special product of modern cultural transition .

  6. 百年中国报告文学文体流变论百年中国报告文学语言体式的趋态、特征与基调

    Styles : Trend , Characteristics and Keynote Centenary Chinese Reportage

  7. 二十世纪中国报告文学的叙述模式

    Narrative Models in Chinese Reportage in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  8. 从冲突走向融合&论中国报告文学的发展与90年代报告文学的成熟税收信息化:基于学习型组织理论的多视角分析

    From Conflict to Combination On Tax Information

  9. 中国报告文学发展到新时期,实现了自身文体的独立。

    Development of the new era of Chinese reportage to achieve their own independent style .

  10. 自1月初中国报告了首例死亡病例以来,死亡人数不断增加。

    an accelerating rate of fatalities since the first death was recorded in China in early January .

  11. 文化生态的演化,从根本上决定着百年中国报告文学的内在流变。

    The evolution of cultural ecology determines fundamentally the internal change of Chinese reportage in the 20th century .

  12. 在中国报告的8万例病例中,超过70%的患者已经康复并出院。

    More than 70 percent of the 80-thousand reported cases of COVID-19 in China have recovered and been discharged .

  13. 中国报告文学发生论&左联与30年代报告文学创作

    On the Happen of Chinese Reportage & The Left-wing Writers ' Association and the 30s ' Chinese Reportage Creation

  14. 更仔细研读一下它的中国报告,就会发现其中有一处关键计算非常粗略,还有一个重大的逻辑断裂。

    A closer look at its report on China reveals one key back-of-the-envelope calculation and one large leap of logic .

  15. 作为中国报告文学的重要组成部分,西北报告文学因其独特的精神特质而具有较高的研究价值及意义。

    As an important component of Chinese reportage , northwestern reportage has a high value and significance on research because of its spiritual characteristics .

  16. 大河奔流、沧桑巨变的恢宏诗卷&新中国报告文学50年(下)

    Magnificent Epic of Tremendous Changes like a Great River Surging Ahead & New China s Reportage in the Past 50 Years ( Part ⅱ);

  17. 百年中国报告文学写作主体的身份特征及其变异,给报告文学文体的面貌及流变带来影响。

    The features and variation of writers ' status in the century-old Chinese reportage have exerted some influence on the traits and evolution of reportage style .

  18. 这份中国报告审视了在未来10多年塑造中国科学与创新的各种因素,并向欧洲国家提出了加强与中国合作的建议。

    The China report examines the factors that will shape Chinese science and innovation over the next decade and suggests how to improve collaboration with Europe .

  19. 本文从叙述学和文体学视角对20世纪中国报告文学作了考察和探讨,旨在揭示这一文体的结构的运行规律。

    This paper studies and discusses reportage literature in China in terms of narratology and stylistics in order to reveal the operating law of this literary style .

  20. 文章在充分肯定近百年来以社会一历史批评为主导的中国报告文学研究格局的同时,又指出其存在的潜在危机。

    Fully affirming Chinese Reportage with social and historical criticism as a dominant tendency , at the same time , it also points out its existent latent crisis .

  21. 之所以建构一个兼容了叙述学、文化学和传播学等理论的文体学框架,是为了对20世纪中国报告文学的发展做出新的阐释。

    The construction of a framework of stylistics which contains the theories of narratology , culture and communication paves the way for re-interpreting the Chinese reportage of 20th century .

  22. 两年前,这种做法非常普遍,当时公司将投机资本的涌入掩饰成贸易收益,中国报告称对港出口剧增。

    The practice was rampant two years ago , when China 's reported exports to Hong Kong surged when companies disguised speculative capital inflows as the proceeds from trade .

  23. 据国家艾滋病专家称,今年中国报告艾滋病例接近11万例,较去年有所增加。

    China has reported nearly 110000 HIV / AIDS cases so far this year , a slight increase over last year , said the nation 's top AIDS specialist .

  24. 正是在这种背景下,中国报告文学走过了与20世纪同样漫长的探索之路,并顺利跨过了新的世纪之门。

    It is in this background that , the Chinese reportage has gone through as long an expedition as the 20th century , and has smoothly crossed the century gate .

  25. 20世纪中国报告文学成为文坛主流文体的辉煌,与报告文学作家奉行的文体意识密切相关。

    The splendor of reportage , one of the main - stream genres of 20th century Chinese literature , is closely related to the sense of genre pursued by the reportage writers .

  26. 社会主义新时期(1977-2009)30多年来,受改革开放这&核心时代语境的刺激,中国报告文学取得了举世瞩目的成就,曾一度跻身当代文坛的主流位置。

    Subject to the core era of reform and opening up the stimulus context , China has made remarkable achievements in reportage , once the mainstream position among the contemporary literary world in the Socialism new period ( 1977-2009 ) 30 years .

  27. 第五章分别从报告文学文体的制作与传播层面,揭示百年中国报告文学写作主体体裁意识的消长和身份变迁给报告文学文体带来的影响,以及媒体变化对报告文学的正、负面冲击。

    The last chapter reveals the influence on the style because of the identity and the growth and decline of the Chinese Reportage , as well as the changes of medium has an impact on the reportage from the straight and nagative surface .

  28. 在中国报告的艾滋病病毒感染者中,女性感染者2000年为19.4%,2005年上升至28.1%,说明艾滋病疫情正从高危人群向一般人群扩散,我们处于艾滋病防治的关键时期。

    Between 2000 and 2005 , the percentage of women infected with HIV rose from 19.4 percent to 28.1 percent . China now faces a critical period in the fight to curb the spread , and ultimately cure of , HIV and AIDS .

  29. 哈佛大学的调查指出,中国民众报告称,2016年政府提供的医疗、福利和其他基本公共服务相比调查开始的2003年大大改善,也更加公平。

    The Harvard survey said Chinese citizens reported that the government 's provision of healthcare , welfare and other essential public services was by 2016 far better and more equitable than when the survey began in 2003 .

  30. 在北京干预下,世界银行(worldbank)中国污染报告近三分之一的内容被删除,因为中国方面担心该报告有关早亡的调查结果可能会引发社会不稳定。

    Beijing engineered the removal of nearly a third of a World Bank report on pollution in China because of concerns that findings on premature deaths could provoke social unrest .