
  • 网络fingerprinting;fingerprint of traditional chinese medicine;traditional chinese medicine fingerprint;finger printing;TCMF
  1. 现代仪器分析在中药指纹图谱研究中的应用

    The Application of Modern Instrument Analysis To Fingerprinting Research on TCM

  2. 一种适用于处理中药指纹图谱数据的主成分正交分解算法

    An Orthogonal Expansion Algorithm of Principal Component Suitable to Deal with the Fingerprinting Data of Chinese Medicine

  3. 一种基于DAD二极管阵列检测器技术的中药指纹图谱方法

    Research Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine Fingerprint Based on Diode-array Detector

  4. 高效液相具有高灵敏度、高效率、实用范围广等优点,由于HPLC所具有的高分离效能和广泛适用性,是应用于中药指纹图谱的最常见的分析技术手段。

    HPLC has many merits such as higher sensitivity , higher eficiency , and broader scope .

  5. 不同品牌高效液相色谱仪-二极管阵列检测器灵敏度比较一种基于DAD二极管阵列检测器技术的中药指纹图谱方法

    Sensitivity comparison of different brand of HPLC-DAD Research Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine Fingerprint Based on Diode-array Detector

  6. 结论F和I等37个指标可客观、真实、全面地揭示中药指纹图谱的多维多息的数字化特征。

    CONCLUSIONS The 37 parameters such as F and I can be used to objectively , authentically and thoroughly evaluate the multi-dimensional information characteristics in super traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint .

  7. 目的提出中药指纹图谱多维多息特征数字化评价方法,用F和I等37个指标揭示中药指纹图谱的多维多息特征。

    OBJECTIVE To establish the digital evaluation system of the multi-dimensional information characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint , and to disclose the multi-dimensional information characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint with 37 parameters such as F and I.

  8. 中药指纹图谱谱效相关性研究思路探讨

    Investigation of research method of fingerprint pharmacodynamics of traditional Chinese medicines

  9. 对中药指纹图谱研究现状及应用的思考

    Consideration on research and application of fingerprint of traditional Chinese Medicine

  10. 高速逆流色谱法分离纯化丹参并尝试制订中药指纹图谱

    Purification and Fingerprinting Development of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge by High-speed Counter-current Chromatography

  11. 中国乳业之龙困于标准之沼中药指纹图谱相似度计算的规范化研究

    Standardization study on similarity calculation for traditional Chinese medicines fingerprints

  12. 中药指纹图谱的有机构成体系

    The Organic System of Fingerprint Spectrum of Chinese Materia Medica

  13. 中药指纹图谱是中药现代化关键问题之一。

    The TCM fingerprint is one of the strategic subjects for TCM modernization .

  14. 在中药指纹图谱用于中药质量控制方面,本文做了详细论述。

    Discussions on quality control of TCM utilizing fingerprint techniques are detailed made .

  15. 中药指纹图谱模式识别技术的研究

    Studies on Pattern Recongnition of Traditional Chinese Medicine Fingerprint

  16. 中药指纹图谱应具有特征性,重现性和可操作性。

    The TCM fingerprint need to have stable characteristics , reproducibility and operability .

  17. 中药指纹图谱的研究进展

    Advances in research on Chinese materia medica fingerprint

  18. 中药指纹图谱应用于中药质量控制的局限性

    The Limitation in Application of Finger-print Analysis to Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  19. 中药指纹图谱对药品法规修订的影响

    Influence of Fingerprint on Revision of Medicinal rules

  20. 中药指纹图谱的应用品种批量杂谈

    Application of fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine The Contradiction between Varieties and Production Rate

  21. 当前,中药指纹图谱已经成为现代化学及中药现代化的重要工具之一。

    At present , fingerprint become vital tool for modern chemistry and modernization of TCM .

  22. 结论:中药指纹图谱技术正在不断的完善,逐步向高级阶段发展。

    Conclusion : Chinese materia medica fingerprint technology is now developing into a new stage .

  23. 提出和实现了一种新的计算中药指纹图谱相似度的方法。

    Put forward and implement a new algorithm to calculate the similarity of TCM fingerprint .

  24. 中药指纹图谱相似度评价方法的比较

    Comparison of different methods for evaluating the similarity of the fingerprints of traditional Chinese medicines

  25. 局部最小二乘法校正中药指纹图谱信号的组分保留时间漂移

    Correction of Retention Time Shift of Chinese Traditional Medicine Fingerprint by Local Least Squares Fitting

  26. 中药指纹图谱数据的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on Fingerprints of Chinese Medicine

  27. 本文通过系统、深入的研究,获得了以下有一定创新性的结果:1.改进和实现了一种校正中药指纹图谱信号基线漂移和滤波去噪的方法。

    Improve and implement a new method to correct the baseline drift of TCM fingerprint .

  28. 外加参照物不应参加中药指纹图谱相似度计算

    Extra reference substance should not be participated in calculation of chromatographic fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine

  29. 本文主要研究了中药指纹图谱的相似度算法。

    The similarity algorithm study on fingerprint of Chinese herbal medicine is described in this paper .

  30. 目的:系统介绍中药指纹图谱的理论、技术和方法。

    Objective : To introduce the theory , technology and method of Chinese materia medica fingerprint .