
  • 网络modernization of traditional Chinese medicine;modernize of traditional Chinese medicine
  1. 浅谈GAP等优良质量管理规范与中药现代化

    Good Quality Management Norms Including GAP and Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  2. 实施中药材GAP推进中药现代化

    Implement on GAP of Chinese Material Medica and Promote the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  3. 超临界CO2萃取在中药现代化研究中的应用

    Application of Supercritical Extraction with CO_2 in the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  4. 随着我国中药现代化的发展,重庆市药物种植研究所对垫江牡丹皮进行规范化生产GAP研究。

    With the development of Chinses traditional medicine modernization ChongQing Herbs Planting Researching Institute had the GAP researching to Chuan-Cortex Moutan .

  5. 方法:分析加入WTO将对我国中药现代化进程带来哪些有利因素和负面影响。

    METHODS : To analyze the advantages and disadvantages led by acceding WTO in the course of modernization of CMM in China .

  6. 前言:目的:以加入WTO为契机,加快我国中药现代化进程。

    OBJECTIVE : Taking acceding to WTO as a turning point , to accelerate the course of modernization of Chinese materia medica ( CMM ) in China .

  7. 自20世纪80年代PCR技术问世至今,现代生物技术领域进入了一个新时代,并且在中药现代化研究中展示出良好的应用前景。

    Since PCR technology came out in the eighties of the last century , the modern biotechnologies have entered new period and shown a well application prospect in the modernized research of traditional Chinese medicine .

  8. 在中药现代化制剂研究中,PVA作为涂膜剂和膜剂的成膜材料,其成膜性能优良、膜的韧性好等特点,在涂膜剂和膜剂中有着广阔的应用前景。

    In the study of modern preparations of TCM PVA , as film material of membrane and pellicles , is very promising owing to its easy forming and excellent toughness .

  9. 亚太经合组织(APEC)第九次领导人非正式会议的成功召开以及中国加入世贸组织(WTO)以后,将会有大量的法律文献被翻译成英语。开展中药现代化研究迎接WTO挑战

    After the APEC meeting and China 's WTO accession , more and more legal documents will be translated into English and introduced to the ' world . Seizing the Opportunity of WTO Accession to Strive for the Modernization of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy

  10. 规范化管理是通向中药现代化的必由之路

    Normalized management is the way to modernization of Chinese traditional medicines

  11. 运用项目管理推动实现中药现代化

    Applying Project Management to Promote Modernization of Chinese Traditional Medicine Industry

  12. 中药材加工与中药现代化

    Processing of Chinese medicinal materials and modernization of Chinese materia medica

  13. 中药现代化是对传统中医药理论的继承、完善和发展

    Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine : an Extension of Traditional Medical Theory

  14. 质量控制是中药现代化的关键

    Quality Control is the Key of the Modernization of Chinese Traditional Medicine

  15. 分子振动光谱在中药现代化中的应用

    Application and progress of molecular vibrational spectrum in traditional Chinese medicine modernization

  16. 中药现代化发展的战略措施与相关思考

    Strategic Measures and Speculations on Modern Development of Chinese Medicine

  17. 从药品属性看中药现代化

    Study on Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in View of Drug Attributes

  18. 中药现代化进展及存在问题

    Progress and Existing Problems in Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  19. 新世纪中药现代化的发展前瞻

    Development Prospects of Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Century

  20. 关于进一步推进中药现代化的战略思考

    Strategic Consideration on Continually Increasing Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  21. 中药现代化的几个关键问题及其对策

    Key problem and countermeasures on modernization of Chinese materia medica

  22. 微生物在中药现代化中的应用

    Application of microbes in modernization of Chinese materia medica

  23. 中药现代化发展纲要

    Outline of Development for Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  24. 超临界流体萃取技术与中药现代化

    The Application of Supercritical Fluid Technology in the Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Extraction

  25. 中药现代化科技产业基地建设步伐加快。

    Development of sci-tech and industrial base for TCM modernization had been accelerated .

  26. 加快建设国家级中药现代化科技产业园。

    Accelerate development of the state level Sci-tech Industrial Park for TCM Modernization .

  27. 中药现代化成为中药产业突破发展的关键要素。

    Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the key element through the development .

  28. 现代新技术的快速发展,促进了中药现代化的进程。

    Development of new techniques has promoted the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine .

  29. 基于传统的中药现代化与质量评价&继承与创新

    Based on Classical Modernization of TCM and Quality Assessment & Inheritance and Innovation

  30. 纳米技术在中药现代化中的作用及应用前景

    The Effect and Application Foreground of Nanotechnology on Modernization of Chinese Traditional Medicine