
  • 网络optical switching;photonic switching;ASON;OXC
  1. 基于WDM和光交换的IP网

    IP Network Based on WDM and Optical Switching

  2. 一种基于波分复用的ATM光交换结构

    ATM Photonic Switch Architecture Based on WDM Technology

  3. 用于光交换应用的MEMS静电执行器

    MEMS Electrostatic Actuators for Optical Switching Applications

  4. ATM光交换实验系统

    ATM Photonic Switching Experimental System

  5. DWDM光交换节点低信道串扰技术的研究

    A Study of Low Channel Crosstalk of DWDM Optical Cross-connect

  6. 光交换和交换路由器的发展提供一种集成了智能IP路由技术和大容量光交换网络的交换路由器模型。

    The development of optical switching and switching router provide a sort of switching router model which integrates the intelligent IP routing technology and large capability optical switching network .

  7. 宽带ISDN及光交换

    Wideband ISDN and Optical Exchange Broadband networks

  8. 本文讨论了IPoverWDM网络中的三种不同的光交换技术并分别对这三种交换技术中的QoS机制做了比较和分析。

    In this paper we discuss the different optical switching techniques in IP over WDM network and compare the corresponding QoS mechanisms in IP over WDM network .

  9. 用于多粒度光交换节点的GMPLS信令机制扩展

    GMPLS Signaling Extension for Multi-Granularity Optical Switching Node

  10. 光交换技术是未来全光网络(AON)中的关键技术。

    Photonic switching is a key technology in the future All Optical Network ( AON ) .

  11. 155Mb/s时分光交换系统

    155Mb / s Time Division Photonic Switching System

  12. 然后主要研究了基于共享有限波长变换器的SPL光交换结构的多播调度算法。

    The multicast scheduling algorithm based on the structure of the optical packet switch with shared limited range wavelength converters is studied in this paper .

  13. 作为一种新型的光交换技术,光突发交换(OBS,opticalburstswitching)结合了电路交换和分组交换的优点而克服了两者的部分缺点,受到了业界的关注。

    As a new type of optical switching technology , OBS ( Optical Burst Switching ) combines the advantages of circuit switching and packet switching while avoiding part of their shortcomings , so it has received a lot of attentions .

  14. OBS技术是一种很有发展潜力的光交换技术,有望成为下一代光网络的核心交换技术。

    OBS technology is a great potential optical switching technology , and is expected to become the core of switching technology for the Next Generation Optical Network ( NGON ) .

  15. 重点介绍了波分复用(WDM)光纤网络的特点、通过选择光波长实现光交换的原理、WDM星形和环形光网络的构成等。

    The emphasis is on the characteristics of WDM fiber optic network , the principle of optical switching by selecting wavelength . At last the WDM star and ring networks are addressed as an example .

  16. 在DWDM光交换网络中,每根光纤分为M个波长信道,当一根输出光纤上的连接请求多于M时就会发生冲突。

    In DWDM switching networks , contention occurs when one output fiber is the destinations of more than M inputs , where M is the number of wavelengths on each fiber .

  17. AON的关键技术主要包括光交换/光路由、光交叉连接、波长变换以及光缓存等。

    The key techniques of AON include optical switching / routing , Optical Cross Connecting ( OXC ), All Optical Wavelength Conversion ( AOWC ) and all optical buffering , et al .

  18. 光交换技术的应用,缓解了节点处的压力,可是网络资源有限,为了合理管理和有效利用网络资源,路由与波长分配问题(RWA)又成为研究热点。

    Routing and Wavelength Assignment ( RWA ) become the hotspot of research for logically administration and efficiently utilization on the network resources after that Optical exchange technology eases the exchanging pressure of the nodes .

  19. 同时,对目前消除串扰的方法作了归纳与分析,分析表明设计低信道串扰的OXC关键是设计出低信道串扰的光交换矩阵。

    Several methods proposed to mitigate the influence of crosstalk are compared and discussed . Results show that a low channel optical switching structure is very important to design a low channel crosstalk OXC .

  20. 多粒度光交换节点作为光网络中的重要网元,为使用、管理大量波长的DWDM光网络提供了一种有效、经济且便于升级的方案,因此,交换结构的研究显得十分重要。

    Multi-granularity optical node is introduced as an effective , economic and scalable method to manage a large number of wavelengths in DWDM optical networks . As the key element in optical networks , switching architecture is a very important research field .

  21. 接着,我们利用低维的光交换单元构建BenesONoC结构,并针对该结构提出了一种部分自适应路由算法和一种改进的分布式路由算法。

    We use low dimensional optical switching elements to design Benes ONoC and propose a partially adaptive routing algorithm and an improved distributed routing algorithm for Benes ONoC .

  22. 支持突发粒度的多粒度光交换结构研究

    Research on architecture of burst - enabled multi - granularity optical switching

  23. 新一代智能光交换设备&OPTeraConnectHDX

    New Generation Intelligent Optical Switch Equipment & OPTera Connect HDX

  24. 智能光交换设备技术特点及其测试

    Technical Characteristics of Intelligent Optical Switching Device and Their Test

  25. 开发了8×8光交换模块软件。

    The software of 8 × 8 optical switching analyzer is developed .

  26. 全面介绍了这种光交换技术,重点描述了其网络结构。

    The LOBS technology is introduced completely , including the network architecture .

  27. 通信网中电交换与光交换的协作运用

    Synergy between Electrical and Photonic Switching in Communication Network

  28. 本文除描述光交换系统各部件的性能外,还介绍系统的工作原理和性能。

    The principle and perfomance of the optical switching system are discussed too .

  29. 多粒度光交换网络中的一种波长/波带共享转换池结构

    Architecture of wavelength / waveband sharing conversion pool for multi-granularity optical switching networks

  30. 基于时隙的光交换网络及其性能分析

    Optical time-slot based switching networks and its performance analysis