
  • 网络switching matrix;Switching Fabric;Switch Fabric;Crossbar
  1. 基于内容和交换矩阵的雷达情报分发方法

    A Method of Radar Information Distribution Based on Content and Switching Matrix

  2. ·交换矩阵,在物理上或逻辑上连接输入与输出。

    · A switching matrix , which physically or logically connects inputs and outputs .

  3. 有源光开关交换矩阵中的SOA门性能分析

    Investigation of Behavior of SOA Gate in Active Optical Switch Exchange Matrix

  4. Internet核心路由器多采用输入缓冲交换矩阵,研究输入缓冲队列的调度算法十分重要。

    Most Internet core routers use input queued switches . It is important to research on scheduling algorithms for input queued switches .

  5. 共享缓冲在ATM交换矩阵中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Shared Buffer in ATM Switch Matrix

  6. OPS网络中SOA交换矩阵的串扰研究

    The Crosstalk Peculiarity of SOA Switch Gates In Optical Packet Switching

  7. 同时,对目前消除串扰的方法作了归纳与分析,分析表明设计低信道串扰的OXC关键是设计出低信道串扰的光交换矩阵。

    Several methods proposed to mitigate the influence of crosstalk are compared and discussed . Results show that a low channel optical switching structure is very important to design a low channel crosstalk OXC .

  8. MPSRP3S是我公司(上海贝尔阿尔卡特)为提高System12交换机的容量以及增加业务类型而推出的全新的交换矩阵,它取代了传统S12交换机的电路交换网络(DSN)。

    MPSR P3S is a brand new switch matrix for System 12 Exchange of Alcatel , which is used to replace the aged Digital Switch Network ( DSN ) .

  9. 方阵的可交换矩阵空间及交换矩阵的求法

    Solution of Exchangeable Matrix space of Square Matrix and The Exchange

  10. 布尔代数上强保持交换矩阵对的线性算子

    Linear operators that strongly preserve commuting pairs of matrices over Boolean algebras

  11. 光分组交换矩阵的实验研究

    Experimental Study for Optical Packet Switching Matrix

  12. OV-3:运作信息交换矩阵

    OV-3 : Operational information exchange matrix

  13. 一类交换矩阵群和基于形式群法则的恒等式

    A Class of Commutative Groups or Matrices and Identities on the Basis of Formal Group Laws

  14. 关于非交换矩阵的联合谱

    On Joint Spectra Noncommuting Matrixes

  15. 并且去掉了波长交换矩阵,以降低核心光节点的复杂度和成本。

    And the architecture removes wavelength switched matrix to decrease the complexity and cost of the core node .

  16. 同时也刻画了布尔代数上强保持交换矩阵对的线性算子。

    And also we characterize the linear operators that strongly preserve commuting pairs of matrices over Boolean algebras .

  17. 介绍了线头阻塞、时延控制、虚拟局域网和生成树算法等概念以及交换机的交换矩阵和共享存储器等关键技术。

    It introduces the architecture of the switch , HOL , delay control , VLAN and spanning-tree algorithm , and Crossbar backplane and store-and-forward technology .

  18. 针对数据通信系统中线路自动控制及灵活转接的需要,设计了采用模拟开关阵列集成电路的级连,来构成交换矩阵网络。

    Aiming at the need of agility of switching in the data communication system , we design the switching matrix net which used analog switching integrate circuit .

  19. 详细分析比较了不同结构的内部交换矩阵规模、交换和流量疏导能力,并通过比较可实现的交换组合数目分析了其阻塞性能。

    The performances of different structures are analyzed and compared in terms of size of switching box , switching and grooming abilities , and the blocking performance .

  20. 排队策略与缓冲技术是交换矩阵设计的核心,同时也是交换矩阵时延产生的主要因素。

    The queue strategy and buffer technique are the core of switch matrix design and they are also the main factors in time delay generation of switch matrix .

  21. 本文引进了交换矩阵的联合奇异值概念,并讨论了它和联合特征值之间的关系。

    Tnis paper introduces the concept of the joint singular value in the commutative matrix and discusses the relation between the joint singular value and the joint eigenvalue .

  22. 利用正规矩阵和乘积可交换矩阵的重要性质,给出了亚正定矩阵的三个充分条件以及其合同矩阵的两个分解形式。

    In this paper , we get several properties about this kind of matrix including three adequate conditions and two contract forms according to the important properties of regular matrix and exchangeable matrix .

  23. 本文提出并实现了用MonteCarlo法求算段法辐射全交换面积矩阵。

    A new numerical method , which calculates the matrix of total radiant exchange area in Zone-method by Monte Carlo method , is developed in this paper .

  24. 利用位移秩和交换Hessenberg矩阵代数给出结构矩阵的三角表示,并讨论在Toeplitz矩阵和Toeplitz+Hankel矩阵方面的应用。

    We present the trigonometric representations of structured matrices by using displacement rank and commutative Hessenberg matrix algebra . Applications on Toeplitz and Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices are discussed .

  25. 与方阵可交换的矩阵空间结构的探讨

    Struction of matrixes space exchangeable for given matrix

  26. 本文叙述了物体应力状态坐标交换的矩阵模型及其应用。

    The article gives a matrix model of coordinate transformations in the stress condition of objects and its applications .

  27. 提出流法全交换面积矩阵分区修正法,有利于提高整体精度.本方法计算量远小于积分法。

    In this way , the new method can provides higher accuracy on the whole with calculation much less than the integration method .

  28. 研究分析了辐射直接交换面积矩阵的各种分块,将整个矩阵按特性划分为4种分区。

    The kinds of partial blocks of the matrix of radiative direct exchange area are analyzed , and the whole matrix is classified into four types of partial areas .

  29. 证明了与方阵A可交换的矩阵类{B}构成线性空间,给出方阵的可交换矩阵空间概念,讨论了该矩阵空间的维数、基等概念,以及与方阵A的关系;

    The article proves that matrix { B } which can be exchange with matrix A is linear space through the concepts of exchangeable matrix space of square matrix .

  30. 此计算可归结为根据积分球的基本参数确定光通量交换系数矩阵的矩阵元问题。

    The calculation of the illuminance distribution is turned into a problem of determining the elements of the coefficient matrix of the exchanged luminous flux from the basic parameters of the integrating sphere .